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Proof of Distance Healing Technology

The technology of distance healing via frequency resonance is based on the theory of quantum entanglement as well as superstition. To explain the entanglement, quantum physicists proved with experience on two photon particles to interact. This kind of experiment has been repeated many times, and involves taking two entangled photons and sending them to different places. Perhaps photon A goes to Los Angeles and photon B goes to Boston. When photon A is observed, it has a certain polarization, perhaps “up.” The other photon in Boston is always in the opposite polarization, “down.” No matter what measurement is made of photon A, photon B will always be opposite. Moreover, the correlation between the photons’ states seems to happen instantaneously. Albert Einstein called it as “spooky action at a distance.”, which is Entanglement.

Using entanglement technology can transfer healing power no-matter how far apart, known as “distance healing”. Many people are query about the efficacy of distance healing, and someone says it is fade and non-exist. However, some scientific researchers have already shown quite a positive result on distance healing, for example the below two articles:

  1. From University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA. (2000 Jun 6) Conclusion: The methodological limitations of several studies make it difficult to draw definitive conclusions about the efficacy of distant healing. However, given that approximately 57% of trials showed a positive treatment effect, the evidence thus far merits further study.
  2. A systematic review of the quality of research on hands-on and distance healing: clinical and laboratory studies. Samueli Institute for Information Biology, Alexandria, Va., USA. (2003 May-Jun;9) Conclusion: When laboratory studies were compared to clinical studies in the areas of hands-on healing and distance healing across the quality criteria for internal validity, distance healing studies scored better than hands-on healing studies, and laboratory studies fared better than clinical studies. Many studies of healing contained major problems that must be addressed in any future research.

To learn more about quantum entanglement, please check this youtube video:

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