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Suggestion of the First Frequency Healing Program

Before doing any frequency healing process, it is important to run the Detox Protocols. Detox is the essential part of frequency healing. Healing cannot take place if toxins or mercury are present. If you are killing pathogens then you need to detox after you killed them. we would say run programs to kill these pathogens for 3 days and then run detox for one day before continue with the pathogen killing. Or you can run detox whilst you are running the pathogen killing programs. That is what we normally do. Using Spooky2, you can run two devices simultaneously,

Taking Spooky2 device as an example to explain the usage, to treat Lyme, we can run the Interleukin – PROV program on one Spooky2 device, and run Detox Toxins Elimination 2 – XTRA or run Mercury Toxicity V – CAFL for remove Mercury on another device. As another example, when we run detox the liver comes under pressure as the liver is doing most of the work and the kidney to some extent. It is always the liver and sometimes the kidney. We then run Liver Function Balance – XTRA and Detox 3 Toxins in the Kidney and Liver. We will normally run the detox and liver programs on other devices at the same time – every say 3rd day – and continue with the main programs for the condition we are treating. One more example, when you are treating intestinal problems it is good to run Detox 1 Toxins in the Intestine – CAFL. People forget that the lymph system is very much part of the cleaning /detox system of the body. So I also run Lymphs and Detox – CAFL also from time to time. Therefore run detox for at least two days before you treat yourself or anybody else the first time. For healy device, there is a Gold Cycle’s Pure program, which is a good starting program to detox. This program can support recovery from negative environmental influences, toxins and the effects of an unhealthy diet.


We strongly recommend that you run the Terrain Protocol on Spooky2 as first program. For Healy device, you have better run Gold Cycle’s Pure program before any treatment. This will help you detox from flukes, parasites to heavy metals and other things, and prepare your body for better results of frequency healing.

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