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Explanation of Healing of Frequency Resonance

What is the human energy field?

The human body is composed of multiple layers of energy fields (some say five layers, some say eight layers), which constitute the human energy field; the basic first layer is an entity with shape and weight, you can touch it and see it, surrounding the rest of the body The energy field is not so easy to see, and is usually collectively referred to as the human aura. Aura is energy found outside of physics. Everyone has their own aura, with different shapes and colors; some people have bright and sharp auras, while others have blurry auras. The size of the halo can change from time to time according to a person’s current mood, mood or life experience. The so-called aura has many different chakras. They are the gateway to the energy center. They are the central passage from the top of the head to the base of the spine. They are considered to be rotating, wheel-shaped vortices through which cosmic energy flows into and replaces a person. In the realm of human energy, there are seven main chakras, each of which is directly related to a person’s body. In Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic traditions, meridians are subtle ways or channels for energy flow in the body. No matter in a certain culture, once these channels are separated, energy cannot flow into the human body and may cause disease.

How does the energy field affect human health?

Human energy flows through the chakras or meridians. If these energy channels are separated, the energy will not flow freely, then this will manifest in the body. When our energy transfer or chakras are blocked, the human energy field will lose balance. Its ability to remove chemical waste is weak, which leads to further accumulation of toxins in the same area. This vicious cycle will repeat. Once the local energy level rises below the critical threshold, the onset of a chronic disease is like, for example, imagine a river flowing freely. After a storm, a tree falls into the river, causing the water to flow. After the passage of time, fall down. It is close, and if the situation is not corrected, the situation will gradually deteriorate over time. The trees will collect silt and leaves, further exacerbating the obstacles. If the trees are not removed, the flow will continue to decrease. Eventually it was completely blocked.

How does energy resonance play a therapeutic role?

Everything has a frequency of vibration, called resonance frequency. This can be explained by the analogy of an opera singer. The singer smashes crystal glass with his own voice. The glass vibrates at a certain frequency. When the opera singer sings at that specific frequency At times, the glass will shatter. The human energy field is composed of different levels of vibration or frequency. For example, the chakra as the energy center also has specific frequencies, which send energy into the human energy field. Through the passage of time, these frequencies are not so wonderful for your body due to the deterioration of body functions.

How does the energy resonance machine help the chakras and help your body heal?

Some experienced energy researchers insist that since life itself is a frequency, the simple action of delivering a beneficial frequency (any beneficial frequency) to the body will “awaken” the immune system, “remind” its function, and set it to work normally again . For example, take two grandfather clocks and lean them against the same vase. Now, let their poses be out of sync with each other. Within a few days, the two pendulums will be fully synchronized with each other and will remain in this state until they are disturbed again. Therefore, if you use the frequency of a healthy liver or a strong immune system, and then spread it to the body, the frequency is not so good, frequency entrainment will occur within a few days, and the situation will be good on average; energy resonance machine works The same principle can help your chakras to restore balance.

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