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Discussion of Information Field on Frequency Resonance Healing

Investigation of Information Field on Resonance Remote Healing

In addition to the use of micro-current and remote DNA sensing for frequency resonance therapy, remote information field sensing can also be used. The Healy device provides resonance therapy technology that uses information field sensing. The Healy device does not directly contact the patient, but communicates with the patient’s information field through the currently existing quantum field. The quantum field is located in the R4 wave space, and the patient is also located in the R4 particle space. This is a parallel space phenomenon, usually called Wave-particle duality. The Healy analysis program does not involve physical physical contact. The quantum field is the analysis and treatment produced by the therapist’s conscious contact with the information field.

Healy’s information field-what is the multidimensional space above the fourth dimension?

Now, let us begin to imagine the world from 4 dimensions (that is, 3 dimensions space plus time) to 5 dimensions. For example, the famous physicist Burkhard Heim (Burkhard Heim) raised a question about whether there is any How to coalesce to form the laws of molecules, or not even the “learning” behavior of the substructures of the universe? This patterning structure will be the fifth dimension of Heim.

Our imagination and consciousness are in the realm above the fourth dimension…

In Heim’s theory, there are 4 different geometric structures that can be explained by physics. These are gravitons, photons, charged particles and uncharged particles. Heim explained that the graviton is located in the 5th (X5) and 6th (X6) dimensions. Therefore, we can only measure gravity through the space where gravity intersects with waves or magnetic fields. Heim can use the so-called metronome. Describe how these effects “condense” in our physical world. In photons, the coordinates X4, X5 and X6 are curved or convergent. Uncharged particles are composed of condensed spatial coordinates X1, X2, X3 and anti-coordinates X5 and X6. Time will also condense in charged particles. Heim explained that the existence of highly organized organisms cannot be explained by the evolutionary process of time and space. Therefore, our consciousness can affect the structure of space, and our imagination and consciousness are in the 5-dimensional realm.

Of the 400 billion bits processed by our brain per second, we only know 2,000 bits. The size of our random access memory is about 100-200 bits. We cannot consciously enter the brain’s Most processes, which means that most reality production is not done consciously, but by changing beliefs, we can influence everything that shapes our reality, health, happiness, and future. For now, the point that enables us to do this is-now, you can “leave the old belief system behind” and do everything you can imagine. If you want something but can’t imagine it yet, your creativity can help, or you can communicate with others to gain new insights. In other words, we influence what happens through the rules behind the structure.

The relationship between the third dimension of the material world and our feelings…

Now, at first glance this may seem strange and far from what we think we know about the world, but has the observer effect already foreshadows that the world is not only material? If the world is the only substance, why can our mind not only heal our body (placebo), but also make us sick (nocebo)? These are just a few arguments in support of this. Neuroscientists can prove that the memory of the experience causes the same neuron triggers as the immediate experience you get immediately. We all know that the memory of experience is not the same as the memory you have now. Therefore, there must be a difference between the world we live in and the world we experience! Thinking, feeling, and decision are processes that transcend the physical world!

The Healy device uses Kozyrev’s mirroring principle

The famous Russian astrophysicist Nicolai A. Kozyrev (Nicolai A. Kozyrev) put forward a hypothesis that time is a force generated from genesis, time is a wave, and its samples contain information about any physical process in this world. information. His research transfers time to the communication between information space and materials. Starting from information, due to the influence of time waves, an important process is being created. On the contrary, any important process will create a sample in the time wave. Space and time constraints, this sample can be accessed anywhere in the universe. Kozyrev Mirror is a physical gateway to research into other dimensions.

The Healy device includes two small Kozilev mirrors, each with a noise diode in the center of the mirror. On the central axis of the Kozilev mirror, a field condensing time is formed. This compressed time continuum is connected to any other location in the universe and is reflecting the local time wave, so only the influence of the global time wave is retained. The global time wave connects all living things and all physical processes. Therefore, human beings located in the Kozilev mirror can receive psychological information from a distance. In the “Healy device”, this structure leads to the realization of universal consciousness. The exact result is that the client can be connected with the information of the optimization plan, regardless of the distance of the device.

Chinese folk cognition of quantum entanglement and telepathy

Below I will introduce the Chinese people’s understanding of the theory of quantum entanglement. As early as ancient times, the Chinese people said that the problem of “telepathy”, the problem of “all things entering each other” in Buddhism, “Fuxi and Nuwa Interaction Picture”, ” Is the point distribution of Hetu and Luoshu, the Book of Changes, etc., related to “quantum entanglement”? The Book of Changes is the ancient Chinese culture. For example, in the “Miscellaneous Gua Zhuan” it says: “Xian Shu Ye”, Xian is induction, the sense of no “heart”, it is an objective rather than subjective sense, communicating with each other in an instant. So say speed. The “dots” in “Hetu” and “Luoshu” may be “quantum” and “particles”; the “ya” in the gossip symbol may be a variation of “quantum”; the “dots” in the evolution of Taiji diagrams may be It is the original “quantum”; “yin and yang” elements may be “quantum” with positive and negative charges; ten “astronomical numbers” (012356789) may be “quantums” in the form of numbers; stars in the universe are also It may be a macroscopic “quantum.” Quantum mechanics studies the phenomenon of “quantum entanglement” from the perspective of physics, while Yixue studies “quantum entanglement” from the perspectives of traditional culture and Chinese studies; quantum mechanics studies “quantum entanglement” from the quantum and particle level, and Yixue studies “quantum entanglement” from the perspective of yin and yang, the five elements, and the number phase. Level to conduct research. Quantum mechanics has its own rigorous theoretical system for “quantum entanglement”, and Yi Xue also has a unique theoretical framework for “quantum entanglement.” The I Ching culture is closely related to “quantum entanglement”. Yin and yang entanglement, 69 entanglement, and number phase entanglement in the I Ching should be an ancient “quantum entanglement” thought. The theoretical source of “quantum entanglement” may be in the “I Ching” If these two theories can be well integrated, they will be able to complement each other by reference. Quantum entanglement theory of DNA induction, Burkhard Heim’s information field theory and Kozilev mirror theory, I think the most important principle of remote frequency resonance therapy is quantum entanglement.

About the relationship between frequency resonance therapy and Healy information field

Unknown diseases may be caused by the imbalance of the information field of the human body, so it allows your body to use its natural ability to repair and restore health by itself, because the imbalance of the information field can be corrected through information (for example, frequency of use Resonance), everyone has an information field, the concept is similar to the human energy field, just like you have a vibrant body, you are also an information body, reflecting your body. Through the use of quantum physics interfaces, information fields enable us to reconnect at the level of consciousness, reconnect to our inner feelings, and reconnect as a whole. Frequency resonance therapy is performed through Healy Device. The information field can be “transmitted” the correction letter at the optimal interval (from a few seconds to every few days) through the quantum interface. It is recovered from the human body, so it may take a long time and slowly Reflected in the body, people may notice some changes within 1-2 weeks. This process is not instant, but very subtle.

Reference Information:

Healy設備如何應用信息場分析 ->

技術解說信息場應用於能量治療的原理 ->

介紹”伯克哈德海姆(Burkhard Heim)”的第5維度和第6維度信息場 ->

Healy設備如何使用尼古拉·科齊列夫(Kozyrev)的鏡像原理 ->

「量子糾纏」與「易經」關係 –>

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