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What to Do if Get Burned or Stinged while Using the Spooky2 TENS Pads?

It’s perfectly normal to experience some degree of skin irritation or mild discomfort while using the TENS Pads, if this happens to you for too long, you should consider stopping and re-evaluating your programming settings . If you have skin irritation or burns, this is usually a sign that the TENS pads are not fully touching your body, the current seems to enter your body, not a large area of ​​the entire pad surface, but concentrated in a small spot, so it forms Electrical burns; in addition, excessive current can also cause tingling. If the current is too high, you can always connect to the colloidal silver port on the Spooky2 Boost to help ensure that the current is turned down to avoid burns or tingling; since frequency is inversely proportional to the amperage, switching to another higher frequency The set-up program also avoids burns or tingling. Placing the TENS Pads on the muscle instead of the bone also helps ensure that the current is distributed evenly.

The original Spooky2 presets already give you the most suitable settings, alternating current between the two TENS Pads to prevent burns from acid build-up. When changing the settings on the Spooky2 software, make sure not to set the offset to 100% or -100% to avoid the output being too strong.

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