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Spooky2 Program for Multi-vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients to maintain our health, and they are involved in many unavoidable metabolic processes in the body. Different vitamins play their respective roles in the human body to keep the body healthy and strong. What’s more, minerals regulate various physiological functions of the body, and an adult needs at least 100 mg of macrominerals and less than 15 mg of trace minerals per day to support the body’s needs.

Previously, we could only absorb enough vitamins and minerals each day through food and supplements. Thanks to our introduction of molecular weight frequencies, we are adding more and more vitamin and mineral frequencies to our database, and now you can also get these nutrients “for free” with Spooky2.

Spooky2 Multivitamin and Mineral Program

Multi-vitamin and Mineral (R) – JW Preset is a remote program of all essential micronutrient vitamins and minerals to meet your daily needs. The preset time is 4 hours from 1:00am to 5:00am so you can easily get these vitamins and minerals during your sleep.

To load the program into your -XM, open your Spooky2 software and select “Heal” under the “Preset” tab, then select the “Remote” remote, connect the Spooky2 Remote to the BN port of the Spooky2 Boost, and then , search and double click to select Multi-vitamin and Mineral (R) – JW Preset, click the “Control” tab at night and press “start”, after connecting to the computer, the preset will automatically start at 1:00 am . If you run this program in standalone mode with GX, but you need to manually click start every day and make sure not to loop it.

Frequently Asked Questions :

1. Does the Spooky2 Remote blink the red LED light when running a multivitamin and mineral preset? Whether or not the LED remote control light flashes depends on the number of frequencies. This preset contains very large frequency numbers, and according to how the remote works, the light does not seem to light up when the frequency numbers exceed 5MHz. So it’s perfectly normal for your remote lights to be “off” when running a multivitamin and mineral preset.

2. How does GX know the time and start the preset at 1:00am? The GX doesn’t know the time, it’s the Spooky2 software that is responsible for scheduling the presets or programs, if you want to start a preset at a specific time, you can connect your GX to a computer and use the scheduling feature in the Spooky2 software.

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