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Introduction of “GTHR Medical Tech’s Ischemic Preconditioning Training Device”

Recently, I tested an “Ischemic Preconditioning Training Device”, also called “Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Training Device”. After using it for 25 minutes, my blood pressure dropped from 129-80 to 122-76, and the effect was remarkable. It is like doing vascular exercise for you, which is convenient and easy, especially for the elderly who do less exercise for health care. Please continue to read the following article for its details.

Discovery of ischemic preconditioning training device

In 1986, Dr. MURRY in the United States discovered a phenomenon that the mortality rate of sudden myocardial infarction in patients with frequent angina pectoris was much lower than that in patients without angina pectoris. Through the study of this phenomenon, a deeper phenomenon has been found. Patients with frequent angina pectoris have elevated levels of nitric oxide, adenosine and bradykinin in their blood. Due to the elevation of these substances, the vasodilation effect is caused, and more research in this area has been started subsequently.

Development of ischemia preconditioning training device

GTHR Medical Tech’s ischemia preconditioning training device is to use pure physical methods to prevent and assist in the prevention and adjuvant treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases caused by ischemia. Sexual substances protect our bodies. Just like getting a vaccine, when a virus is injected, our body will produce antibodies, and our instruments use safer physical stimulation. When our body is stimulated by ischemia, there are three mechanisms:

  1. First of all, our cells will be tolerant to ischemia and hypoxia: in the same ischemia and hypoxia environment, the cell survival time will be prolonged, and in the case of another infarction, it will give doctors more time for rescue. For the time, please refer to the swimming breath hold response.
  2. Secondly, it can promote the establishment of potential channel collateral circulation in our body: Usually, our body organs or tissues will have a main blood vessel to supply blood and oxygen, and there will be some collateral blood vessels as auxiliary, but usually because the main blood supply has been To meet the needs of our body, these collateral vessels are in a closed or semi-closed state, which is why when our main vessels are blocked, we have infarction. Regular ischemic preconditioning training can promote the formation of collateral circulation, let the non-working collateral blood vessels start to work, the number of small blood vessels will become more, the thin blood vessels will thicken, improve the blood supply and oxygen supply of tissues and organs, and improve the blood supply and oxygen supply of tissues and organs. Cerebral infarction plays a preventive role.
  3. Endogenous substances, such as adenosine, bradykinin, and nitric oxide, can be produced and released here: Adenosine can chemically react with phosphoric acid to generate ATP and ADP, two basic substances of energy metabolism in our body, so adenosine can participate in The energy metabolism of the myocardium can expand coronary vessels and increase blood flow at the same time. In addition, in the area of ​​the brain that controls sleep, adenosine also plays a role in regulating sleep; bradykinin is a nonapeptide substance in the human body, which can not only expand coronary blood vessels and increase blood flow, but also shrink the myocardium. The infarct size has a delayed protective effect on the myocardium; nitric oxide, like the previous two substances, can restore the elasticity of blood vessels, make blood vessels slightly dilate, and increase blood flow. Nitric oxide and other two substances do not. have effect. First of all, nitric oxide can restore the vascular endothelium and avoid damage to the vascular endothelium. We know that once the vascular endothelium is damaged, it is easy to form plaques at the damaged site, and nitric oxide can reduce the formation of intravascular plaques. Secondly, nitric oxide can reduce the aggregation of platelets in blood vessels and prevent and reduce thrombosis.

Through the above three mechanisms, GTHR Medical Tech’s ischemia preconditioning training device has the effect of prevention and adjuvant treatment for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases caused by ischemia. The function of ischemic preconditioning training:

  1. Adenosine: It is an endogenous nucleoside distributed throughout human cells, which is involved in myocardial energy metabolism, as well as in expanding coronary vessels and increasing blood flow. Adenosine has physiological effects on the cardiovascular system and many other systems and tissues of the body.
  2. Bradykinin: Bradykinin is a powerful endothelium-dependent vasodilator, a 9-peptide substance with cardioprotective effects. It causes non-vascular smooth muscle contraction, increases vascular permeability and is also involved in the mechanism of pain. Bradykinin also causes an increase in urine sodium, which helps lower blood pressure. It can reduce the infarct size of acute ischemia-reperfusion myocardium, and it has been confirmed by medicine that it also has a delayed protective effect on ischemia-reperfusion myocardium.
  3. Nitric oxide: dilates and softens blood vessels, opens up peripheral circulation, and enables blood to nourish the heart and other tissues more effectively. Strengthen blood vessels and systemic blood circulation, and promote the operation of the heart, brain and microcirculation. Promotes the health of the cardiovascular system to maintain healthy blood vessel function. Nitric oxide acts as a signaling molecule. When the endothelium tells the muscles to relax to facilitate blood flow, it produces nitric oxide molecules that are penetrating and can easily cross cell membranes. The smooth muscle cells surrounding the blood vessel receive the signal and relax, causing the blood vessel to dilate. In the cardiovascular system, nitric oxide plays an important role in maintaining the constant vascular tone and regulating blood pressure stability. At the same time, it has the function of preventing thrombus coagulation in key parts.

In the immune system, nitric oxide acts to kill bacteria, viruses, and tumor cells. In the nervous system, nitric oxide promotes learning and memory processes and regulates cerebral blood flow. The role of ischemic preconditioning training:

  1. Increase the elasticity of blood vessels;
  2. Make the blood vessel wall smooth;
  3. Micro-dilation of blood vessels;
  4. Promote the establishment of collateral circulation;
  5. Promote blood circulation;
  6. Prevent thrombosis;
  7. Improve sleep;
  8. Adjust blood pressure;
  9. Prevention of myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction;
  10. Reduce the size of infarction and relieve sequelae;
  11. Accelerate physical recovery after stroke or myocardial infarction;
  12. Doing a pre-conditioning training is equivalent to 5 kilometers of blood circulation exercise.

The main functions are summarized as the following three points:

  1. Protect the myocardium, prevent and treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, and stroke, and can be used as an adjuvant therapy before and after stent surgery (percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty);
  2. Open up collateral circulation, improve anti-ischemia ability, reduce ischemia and hypoxia response, enhance vascular function, and enhance human resistance and exercise ability;
  3. Activates the production of endogenous substances such as nitric oxide, adenosine and bradykinin, and promotes blood circulation.

Inappropriate populations for ischemic preconditioning:

  1. Coagulation disorders (hemophilia, leukemia) or active visceral bleeding;
  2. Malignant tumor;
  3. Infants and pregnant women;
  4. Systolic blood pressure ≥180mmHg, diastolic blood pressure ≥110mmHg;
  5. Complicated with severe diseases of the brain, lung, liver, kidney and other organs (acute, critical, and critically ill patients) that have not been controlled and stabilized;
  6. Uncontrolled infection and unexplained fever;
  7. Patients with peripheral vascular disease (more serious vascular damage caused by diabetes).
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