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Spooky2 Scalar Frequency Healing Helps Positive Thinking

People often go to their doctor when they feel unwell and take medication or therapy to relieve symptoms, and many tend to believe that the cause of the disease is a pathogenic or genetic mutation. However, they rarely suspect that the underlying cause occurs before symptoms and is hidden in a person’s mind, thoughts or feelings. Disease usually starts in the mind before it appears in the body, pathogens only enter your body if you allow it, in other words, when your immune system is weak, only if your body can no longer contain them symptoms appear. But even if you don’t have pathogens in your body, the disease itself can arise, and your negative mindset can lead to disease.

Stage 1: The Wrong Mindset

Stage 2: The wrong interaction with the world (the way we live)

Stage 3: Metabolic/Energy Imbalance

Stage 4: Toxin Accumulation

Stage 5: Symptoms (Allopathic Interventions)

Stage 6: End Stage (Visit)

In Phase 1, our mindset is still a period of “inviting” disease, and no matter how we use drugs or therapies to fight pathogens, we will not be able to fully successfully recover if we don’t address that mindset first.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an effective form of psychotherapy that can help with many psychological problems by transforming a person’s negative state of mind into a better, healthier state. CBT theory claims that our thoughts and actions affect how we feel. Our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and actions are all interconnected, and in a breakup, you can have chest pain even if you don’t have a heart attack, a chest injury, and that pain does come from the feeling of a broken heart. CBT uses this theory to relieve symptoms by helping people see the bright side of things. Putting CBT in a broader sense, disease can come from the mind. They manifest in your body because your inappropriate thoughts and actions can distort the energy balance in your body, allowing pathogens to enter your body and cause harm. Therefore, if you maintain a strong psychological defense and a positive attitude, toxins and pathogens will not survive in your immune system.

Scalar energy for mental cleansing

If you want to recover from illness or maintain a healthy immune system, you should start thinking positively first, and that’s when Spooky2 Scalar helps. Spooky2 Scalar emits scalar energy, a form of positive energy that can help you get rid of distressing thoughts and negative thinking habits. When you start to put those thoughts behind you, you can fully interact with others and the environment in a healthy way, and Spooky2 Scalar will push you in a more positive direction and help you address the root cause of your illness. The Spooky2 Scalar scalar field effectively removes blockers that hinder the natural healing process in your body, returning your body’s energies to a state of perfect balance, so you’ll enjoy a happier life.

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