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Spooky2 Frequency Healing for Indigestion

Indigestion, also known as upset stomach, is defined as persistent or recurring discomfort in the upper abdomen with mild to severe pain in the upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting, belching, a burning sensation, or a feeling of not eating too much or eating longer feeling full. This is not a disease, but may be a sign of other diseases. There are many causes of indigestion, which can be summarized into three distinct categories: medical conditions, medications, and lifestyle.

  1. Physical Condition – Digestive issues are the main cause of indigestion, in addition to this, pregnancy can also cause indigestion. Common digestive disorders with dyspepsia symptoms include: constipation, gallstones, celiac disease, stomach ulcers GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
  2. Medications – Indigestion is a possible side effect of certain antibiotics, iron supplements, and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. Consult your doctor carefully about side effects.
  3. Lifestyle – Improper eating habits, a common cause of indigestion in people, bad habits that can cause indigestion include: overeating or eating too fast, eating greasy, greasy or spicy food, consuming too much caffeine, Alcohol, chocolate or carbonated drinks, smoking…etc.

How to relieve or avoid indigestion?

OTC (over-the-counter) antacids neutralize stomach acid, and some prescription drugs can reduce stomach acid production, however, these drugs may cause side effects such as constipation, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Lifestyle changes and home care are better options for dealing with indigestion and lifestyle changes that may help relieve indigestion include: Stop eating foods that trigger indigestion, eat several small meals instead of three full meals, eat Slow down, stop eating before bed, reduce or completely avoid alcohol and caffeine, stop smoking, lose weight, stop taking medications that can cause indigestion, reduce stress and anxiety. If you can follow these tips, your indigestion will soon improve, maybe even go away completely.

How does Spooky2 help with indigestion?

Frequency Healing is an alternative to conventional medical treatments without any side effects. If you are looking to relieve your indigestion symptoms in a natural way, Spooky2 frequency therapy therapy will be a good choice for you, Spooky2 has the largest frequency database in the world, which includes many beneficial frequencies, for example, you can find it in Enter “indigestion” (indigestion) into the Spooky2 database, search for the appropriate frequency program, load it into your frequency generator, and run it to relieve your symptoms.

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