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Improve Sleep with Spooky2 Scalar Fields and Essential Oils

A few days ago I explained the technology of scalar fields, then, in the following, I will talk about the therapeutic use of scalar fields – improving sleep.

Aromatherapy is an ancient method of using perfume, inhaled or applied to the skin to promote physical and mental health. Research shows that regular aromatherapy can reduce stress and anxiety and help improve sleep quality. Researchers believe that aromatherapy can improve sleep quality by inhibiting the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, helping patients relax and enjoy deeper sleep. What’s more, aromatherapy promotes sleep by activating serotonin and other neurotransmitters involved in sleep regulation.

You can use the oil by putting four drops of the oil on a cotton ball. Then, put the cotton ball in the container, close to your face, and take a few deep breaths. You can also place the container near your pillow until the next morning. If the smell is too strong for you, you can dilute the oil with a carrier oil such as coconut, olive, and jojoba. Also, if you’re not sure about the concentration of the essential oil, 2% might be a good place to start. Introducing the four best essential oils for sleep include:

  1. Lavender – One of the most widely researched essential oils for improving sleep quality, lavender can be applied directly to the skin without dilution, making it more convenient to use. Numerous scientific studies have shown that lavender can help improve sleep, reduce stress, and reduce pain, and some researchers have also found that it can reduce inflammation and speed wound recovery.
  2. Bergamot – Experts believe that bergamot may help reduce blood pressure and heart rate, which can have a calming effect. When you are angry or irritable, bergamot oil can calm you. In addition, bergamot oil can help improve your digestive system and urinary system. If you have gastroenteritis or inflammation of the urinary system, you can massage diluted bergamot oil on your abdomen for relief.
  3. Cedar Wood – A 2017 study found that cedar oil users sleep longer overall and wake up less frequently at night or in the morning. Some people also like to soak their feet in cedar oil, adding 5 to 8 drops of cedar oil to warm water. In addition to improving sleep quality, cedarwood oil can also benefit your skin. It can help heal acne, eczema, sores and wounds.
  4. Sandalwood – Sandalwood oil is known for its mild and sweet woody fragrance, sandalwood itself is used in furniture and herbal medicine, and its oil has been used for many years in spiritual activities such as prayer and meditation. Some studies have shown that sandalwood oil can refresh and focus your mind. Like cedar, it also helps improve skin condition and sleep quality.

Using Essential Oils in Spooky2 Scalar Fields

Spooky2 Scalar has a molecular scalar mode that can carry the properties of matter, allowing them to permeate the entire scalar field, so when you stay in the scalar field, you will get the healing effects of essential oils and scalar energy. With Molecular Scalar mode, you don’t need to use too much essential oil, one drop is enough. If you use several oils for multiple purposes, you can also mix them together. To operate the Spooky2 Scalar in Molecular Scalar mode for use with essential oils, follow these steps:

  1. Set up and adjust your Spooky2 Scalar.
  2. Place a drop or two of essential oil or a mixture of several essential oils in a glass container over the Spooky2 Scalar receiving coil.
  3. Please stay in between transmitters to reap the benefits and get the best sleep possible tonight.
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