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Spooky2 Frequency Healing for Depression

Depression is one of the most common mood disorders worldwide, and sufferers exhibit persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest. In addition, depression disrupts their daily lives in various ways, such as the way they feel, think, and behave, along with With depression comes emotional and physical problems in your life. Severely ill patients may think life is not worth living, so suicide cases in depressed patients are very common. Sadness or emptiness that doesn’t go away in a few weeks can be a sign of depression. Other mood symptoms include:

  • Extremely irritable with little things
  • anxiety and restlessness
  • Anger Management Issues
  • Loss of interest in favorite activities
  • clinging to the past or wrong things
  • thoughts of death or suicide

Physical symptoms include:

  • insomnia or excessive sleep
  • debilitating fatigue
  • increased or decreased appetite
  • weight gain or weight loss
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • unexplained pain

The cause of depression is the result of a complex interplay of social, psychological and biological factors, which may be a response to violent or traumatic events, family breakdown, bereavement, etc. Surprisingly, there is also a correlation between depression and physical problems, for example, cardiovascular disease can lead to depression and vice versa.

There are many ways to deal with depression. Depending on the severity and pattern of your depression, a healthcare provider can offer appropriate psychotherapy, such as behavioral activation and cognitive behavioral therapy. Some antidepressants are also recommended to reduce depressive symptoms, however, the vast majority of antidepressants have some degree of side effects and patients need to be treated with caution.

Relieve Depression with Spooky2

Frequency therapy is an alternative treatment without any side effects and is a good option if you plan to deal with depression naturally. Spooky2 has the world’s largest frequency database of over 35,000 programs dedicated to providing you with accurate and beneficial frequencies for dealing with unbalanced energies and negative emotions. Here we would like to introduce some presets/programs for depression.

1. Some specific depression items On the Programs tab, search for the keyword “depression” to find some related programs, then double-click the desired program. Healing Shell Preset would be a good choice for loading these programs. In addition to a specific “depression,” “Erasing negative thoughts” has received a lot of praise for its effect on depression in Spooky2 clients.

2. DH experimental frequencies are very popular among Spooky2 clients as mood frequencies, including some frequencies associated with depression. On the presets tab, search for the keyword “depression” and you’ll find it!

3. The Bach Flowers Presets of the Spooky2 database are derived from Bach Flower Remedies, developed by Edward Bach, a British homeopath. Bach Flower Remedies can help you heal your heart, promote good thoughts, balance your emotions, ease your anxiety, revive love, and more.

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