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Spooky2 Frequency Treatment for Burn Relief

Burns are one of the most common home emergencies, especially in children, and can occur to varying degrees when your skin tissue is damaged by external factors such as heat, sunlight, chemicals, radiation, or electricity. Most people’s skin can recover from burns over time without any sequelae, however, severe patients require immediate medical attention to prevent painful and even fatal complications. Most burns are accidental, and children and the elderly are at higher risk.

There are three main types of burns:

  • Minor burns: The superficial skin becomes red and painful, but usually does not blister.
  • Moderate burns: Burns of this magnitude affect your dermis, and you may experience pain, swelling, and blistering.
  • Severe burns: Burns affect all three skin layers, the epidermis, dermis, and fat, and it also destroys hair follicles and nerve endings, so you may not feel pain in the burn area itself, but around the burn area. Burned skin may be black or white with a leather-like appearance.

Burns can occur for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Heat source: It is the most common cause of burns, such as fire, hot liquids, steam, or something with a hot surface.
  • Chemicals: such as cement, acid or sewer cleaners.
  • Radiation, electricity, excessive sun exposure (UV).

First aid Suggestion for burns includes:

  1. Chemical and electrical burns require immediate medical attention because they can affect the inside of the body, even with minimal damage to the skin.
  2. Prevent further burns – The first rule of thumb when faced with burns should be to “protect the person being burned from further injury”, which may mean removing the person from the area and putting out the flames with water or a blanket, remember, don’t Put yourself at risk of being burned too.
  3. Take off any clothing or jewelry near the burn area – the burn area swells very quickly, so remove these tight items from your body as soon as possible, especially your neck, but don’t try to remove any sticking to the burned skin something, because that could do more damage.
  4. Cover the burn – Cover the area loosely with gauze or a clean cloth, you can also use plastic wrap or clear plastic bag over the burn.
  5. Cool burns – Cool burns with cold or lukewarm water for 20 minutes as soon as possible after injury, never use ice or ice water, and avoid any creams or greasy substances, such as butter.
  6. Take some medicines to relieve burns – Paracetamol and ibuprofen are good options to help relieve burn pain, and when using over-the-counter medicines, be sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions, for example, children under 16 should not take aspirin.
  7. Use Spooky2 frequency treatment for Burn Relief –
  • Step 1: Place the Spooky2 Tens pad on the burn area, then launch the Spooky2 software, select the correct shell preset under the Presets tab: Shell (Empty) Presets / Contact / Healing (C) -JW.
  • Step 2: Select the target program: Some related keywords are recommended as “burns”, “blisters”, “pain”, etc., check their descriptions and double-click on these programs to load them.
  • Step 3: Run these programs on the Spooky2 Generator: Go to the Controls tab and select a generator port to run these programs, which may eliminate the pain of oil burns and skin burns.
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