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Use Spooky2 Frequency Healing to Help Weight Loss

People are now getting heavier due to lack of exercise and a healthy diet. According to the World Health Organization, about 40% of adults are overweight and 13% are obese. Obesity has almost become a more serious problem than most diseases. epidemic. One of the principles of weight loss is to eat less, contrary to human nature, when you eat less, your body releases hormones that signal hunger, the fewer calories you eat, the more cravings you feel, the more you feel. It is difficult to continue to eat less. Also, the downside of a low-calorie diet is that if you lose weight fast, you’ll lose some of the muscle that’s the main energy-burning factory. Losing muscle means your metabolic rate will decrease, which makes it harder for your body to burn fat.

Another principle of weight loss is to exercise more, you need to exercise to lose some weight, however, how much exercise do you need to lose 1 pound of fat? A pound of fat is about 3,500 calories, and an hour of jogging burns about 400 calories, which means you need to jog for nine hours to lose a pound of fat, compared to about 365 calories in a medium serving of fries . Losing weight is indeed a long and tiring process with no quick results.

Difficulty controlling appetite and maintaining exercise habits make weight loss a painful long-term struggle, a sustainable plan will help you lose a pound or two a week, in that case if you want to lose 30 pounds, you Need to stick to the plan for at least four months. Most of the time people lose weight fast within a few days and then they reach a plateau where their weight almost stops dropping and that’s when they get frustrated and give up and if they stop at that point their weight may will bounce back.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and everyone’s body is unique, so what works for someone else may not work for you. When trying to lose weight, keep in mind your health, family history, metabolism, activity level, age, gender, and likes and dislikes. Choose foods and exercise that you can enjoy, or you’ll be less likely to stick to your regimen.

To lose weight properly, start by cutting 400 to 500 calories in your diet, low carb but never carbs, because your body needs some carbs to function properly. Choose healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts and lean meats and avoid unhealthy cooking methods such as deep frying. Do cardio and strength training. Set realistic goals, such as one to two pounds per week, and gradually adjust your lifestyle to commit to change.

How to operate Spooky2 frequency to help lose weight:

1. If you decide to manage your weight, you can start with an 11-day Terrain Protocol. Spooky2 is great at helping you detox while you’re trying to lose weight. Terrain protocol is always recommended as the first step for all Spooky2 clients. It removes toxins accumulated in your body system, reduces the burden on your body, and prepares your body for Rife Frequency Healing.

2. Some Weight Related Presets/Programs The Spooky2 frequency database contains over 35,000 programs designed to provide you with accurate and beneficial frequencies to address imbalanced energy. Some popular weight management keywords are “weight”, “fat”, “obesity”, “metabolism” and the like. Launch your Spooky2 software and enter these valid keywords in the preset/program search box. The most popular weight loss preset is “Weight Management – PM (Weight Management-PM).”

3. Some mood presets/programs to control your appetite, make your own presets, including programs for burning fat and overcoming emotional barriers, such as running the bach Remedy program below.

After using the Spooky2 Remote mode for a few days, maybe not feeling the same food cravings as before and moving towards a healthy weight. If you suffer from health problems like obesity or high blood lipids, or just want a healthier body, let Spooky2 help you.

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