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Safety Use of Spooky2 MW (Molecular Weight) Drug Frequency

The MW (molecular weight) frequencies in the Spooky2 software are applicable to drugs, essential oils, vitamins and minerals, the duration of which can vary greatly depending on individual size, sensitivity, needs, etc. Initially, it is recommended to use with very careful monitoring of symptoms or other tests to verify benefit, and increase until benefit is seen, but not to overdose or negative symptoms.

The best mode of delivery for MW frequencies is the one you want to use, if you run a MW nutrition program (like minerals, essential oils, etc.) the delivery method doesn’t matter as they are natural and your body can expel any excess substance. However, if you are running MW drug frequencies, we recommend that you keep the duration as short as possible, drugs are man-made chemicals unknown to nature, which allows them to be patented.

While many people believe that the frequency with which a drug is used, not its physical substance, can produce beneficial effects without adverse side effects, we know of no research to show that this is true. Therefore, you should be extremely careful when trying these frequencies, and under no circumstances should your medication program be set to run remotely without interruption.

Medication frequency (eg: antibiotics) is safest to use in contact or plasma modes, as these modes have a more immediate effect, so any accompanying side effects will manifest more quickly, allowing recipients to make a more informed choice and stop Or adjust its safe use.

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