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Test Experiment on Frequency Imprinted Holographic Stickers via Ice Crystals and Pendulums

I used a Spooky2 Remote box to imprint 432Hz frequency on the holographic sticker, set 0.5 Dwell to run the “Crown Chakra” program for 6 minutes. After the frequency was printed, I put the holographic sticker under a glass of tap water (because I do not have distilled water), and then put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours. I compared the ice crystallization between the frequency and the non-frequency water, as shown in the following photos, but I did not find much difference.

Ice crystallization picture of non-frequency water

Ice crystallization picture of frequency water

Next, I used a pendulum test to observe its swing between the frequency sticker and the non-frequency sticker. In the following two videos, I found that the frequency sticker swinged more regularly and had a larger swing movement than the non-frequency sticker. It might be a good method to indicate that frequency has been added in the frequency sticker.

Pendulum test video with non-frequency stickers

Pendulum test video with frequency stickers

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