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Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Six-Character Mantra Sound Frequency Healing

The full sentence of “Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s six-character mantra(觀音菩薩六字大明咒)” is “嗡嘛呢唄𠸍吽”, which is interpreted as “salute and pray to the saint who holds the precious lotus, and destroy troubles. The six-character mantra can relieve the suffering of the six realms:

  • 「嗡 (Om)」, removes the suffering of life and death in heaven;
  • 「嘛 (Ma)」, except for the suffering of Asura’s struggle;
  • 「呢 (Ni)」, in addition to the suffering of life, old age, sickness and death in the human world;
  • 「唄 (Pad)」, to remove the suffering of the animal labor;
  • 「𠸍 (Mei)」, relieves the suffering of hungry ghosts and thirst;
  • 「吽 (Hūm」, also removes the suffering of cold and heat in the hell realm.
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