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Healy Operation Screen Introduction

TimeWaver therapist said that no more than 30%, it is best to stick to the intensity between 15-30%, the effect will be greater and better for ATP production.

When you deliberately increase% purely to strengthen your senses, your ATP production will decrease, and you will eventually become exhausted if you exceed the balance. But without wires, it needs to be at 100%.

This is micro-current, you may not feel all unless you are energy-aware/sensitive. Or the principle of frequent operation and hindrance, that is, pain means nothing.

If the running circle is white, there is no need to increase the% for feeling, unless the frequency is too low and you need to increase the% to return to white.

But too dry skin or dehydration in the body will affect the conductivity, and the running circle will be black.

Similarly, if the body is too acidic, dark circles will appear.

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