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Introduction to Schumann Resonance Relative to Healthy

Background of Schumann Resonance

Schumann Resonance (RS) is also called earth’s frequency, as it is a background stationary electromagnetic noise that propagates in the cavity between the earth surface and the lower boundary of the ionosphere at altitudes of 45–50 km, in the frequency range between 5 and 50 Hz. The phenomenon was named after W.O. Schumann who first predicted and discussed it in 1950s. Its peak intensity can be detected at ~8 Hz, along with its harmonics with lower intensity at 14, 20, 26, 33, 39, and 45 Hz due to frequency-related, ionospheric propagation loss. The peak SR frequencies undergo a moderate diurnal variation of approximately ± 0.5 Hz. Interestingly, the first four SR modes happen to be within the frequency range of the first four EEG bands (i.e. delta 0.5–3.5 Hz, theta 4–7 Hz, alpha 8–13 Hz, and beta 14 to 30 Hz).

The Schumann resonances is also called as earth frequency, it is a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightening discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. There are three noise sources that interferences with SR:
(1) geomagnetic pulsations, which have much larger amplitudes than those of SR and can bleed into the lowest frequency 7.5 Hz resonance;
(2) medium-scale power line radiation and relatively nearby lightning;
(3) small scale local or mechanically induced electromagnetic signals.

Schumann Resonance Improve Human Health

It is said that the Schumann Resonance is a breathing phenomenon of the Earth that is lasting from old time of the Earth creation and is giving a positive effect to the human brain. Humans, animals and plants have become accustomed to this frequency of 7.83Hz over a very long period of evolution. But recently, many unnatural radio waves and electromagnetic waves disturb this frequency of 7.83Hz, it has changed the influence that it has on us.

Scientist believes that it is helpful to human being for generating the 7.83Hz electric wave artificially, which is also called Schumann wave. Actually, the Schumann wave can helps relax most people’s physical and mental, and it helps improve the body’s perception of sound and images, and it also helps improve the health of the human body to improve the efficiency of work, and the condition of mental stress also has also improved. It can also be applied to HIFI or sleep, and it also has a good effect on insomnia. Hence, some device to generate this Schumann resonance becomes widely be used nowadays.

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