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於2007年, 在Marcus Schmieke與物理學家Burkhard Heim會面用後,他了解到12維信息牆模型,為開始信息領域技術的發展提供了決定性推動力,Marcus Schmieke並開始研究其應用於醫療領域上 。經過來自各個研究領域的綜合研究和發現,以及經過多年的個人研究,Marcus Schmieke成功地開發了一個名為TimeWaver的系統,該系統使信息領域技術切實可行,並可以與信息領域進行通信。這是TimeWaver的誕生,並且是一個新時代的進入。 TimeWaver系統現已將人們早已被人們遺忘的物質與心理之間的相互作用的知識應用於當今和未來的人們。使用FSM(特定頻率微電流-一種電子醫學方法),激活細胞受體以恢復它們的功能。為了支持細胞內過程,代謝過程,基因表達和細胞蛋白質構型而具有天然功能。該模型基於以下假設:受傷,外傷,細菌,病毒或其他外部因素會破壞生理細胞的功能。
幾年後,開發了TimeWaver Home系統。它是用於個性化頻率治療的便攜式緊湊型治療系統。儘管它用途廣泛且功能強大,但每個人都可以使用“僅”三個按鈕輕鬆操作它。除了針對各種適應症的程序外,它還包括基於努諾·尼娜(Nuno Nina)的治療方案的用於能量系統治療的特殊裝置。

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SCIO(科學意識接口操作系統)是一種通用的電生理社會生物反饋系統。 它可以通過計算機軟件協調複雜的電模式生物反饋程序,以便收集客戶潛意識的生物能信息。 這些信息是通過頭和四肢帶中的電極從身體收集的,可以準確,準確地反映出客戶的總體狀況。 此信息由SCIO選擇並列出,以便以最高的反應順序進行,並在壓力管理會話過程中對壓力源進行分析。


Natural Healing Center


NO. ConscidaNo Name
0 0 ——– INFO ———
1 0 (Client Name)
2 0 2020/11/05
3 0 HS
4 69 Enviromental
5 73 Physical
6 72 Mental
7 76 Social
8 67 Spiritual
10 0 male
12 0 Exercise is essential for healthy life, some form of exercise can always be arranged
13 0 (Client Name) needs to drink more water.
14 96 Volt, normal=80 to 100, below 50 chronic, reflects adrenal function and will power
15 81 Amper, normal=80 to 100, below 50 chronic, reflects brain function serotonin, and life force
16 68 Resistance, normal=80 to 100, below 50 chronic, reflects ease of flow of energy through the body
17 68 Hydration, normal=80 to 100, below 50 chronic, reflects ease of water flow and water amount, thirst
18 75 Oxidation, normal=80 to 100, below 50 chronic, reflects ease of flow of oxygen, and oxygenation
19 71 Proton Pressure, ph 65 to 70 norm above alkaline, below acid
20 63 Electron Pressure, eh
21 28 Major Resonant Frequency of the Patient,below 1000=risk degener, above 10,000=nervous energy
22 0 Cellular vitality index(6+normal,below 3 chronic): 7
23 0 Last Visit: V= 99 A= 73 R= 79 H= 91 O= 89
24 7 Reactance Speed Index, below 15 ideal, below 40 norm, above 100 diseased
25 1580 Impedance ,1600+ ideal,1200+ norm, 1000to1200 weak, 800 to 1000 concern, below 800 signif concern
26 750 Phase response react ,900+ ideal,700+ norm, 500to700 weak, 500 to 300 concern, below 300 signif concern
27 6 Phase angle ,8+ ideal, 6+norm, below 6 chronic
28 0 Sarcode Organ of Dystruction Report

Chakra Report

30 81 = Crown
31 70 = Brow
32 80 = Throat
33 62 = Heart
34 63 = Stomach
35 72 = Spleen
36 88 = Base

37 0 Endocrine Sarcodes Report
38 61 = Brain
39 83 = Hypothalamus
40 83 = Pituitary
41 83 = Pineal
42 65 = Thyroid
43 87 = Parathyroid
44 75 = Thymus
45 83 = Heart
46 66 = Lung
47 96 = Stomach
48 84 = Pancreas
49 79 = Gall Bladder
50 92 = Liver
51 78 = Spleen
52 52 = Kidney
53 70 = Adrenal
54 70 = Gonads

55 0 Immune Sarcodes Report
56 87 = Emotion
57 81 = Brain
58 80 = Hypothalamus
59 106 = Adenoids
60 78 = Tonsils
61 81 = Thymus
62 91 = Bone Marrow
63 78 = Liver
64 99 = Spleen
65 45 = Appendix

66 0 Digestive/Alimentary Sarcodes Report
67 86 = Brain
68 66 = Foods
69 63 = Oral
70 49 = Autonomic Nerval System
71 93 = Stomach
72 59 = Small Intestine
73 71 = Illeocecal Valve
74 96 = Pancreas
75 95 = Liver
76 56 = Large Intestine

126 0 Mineral Cellular Homeopathic: Silver
127 0 Body and Organ Homeopathic: Opium
128 0 Mental Homeopathic: Belladonna
129 0 Social Homeopathic: Phosphorus
130 0 Spiritual Homeopathic: Vespa Venom
131 0 Total System Homeopathic: Naja Venom

132 0 Constitutional Miasm Homeopathic: Cholera
133 0 NUTRITIONAL REPORT , Values are patient reaction values
134 0 mostly from deficiency, but excess reactivity is possible

136 58 = Vitamin A family
137 37 = Vitamin B complex family
138 55 = Vitamin G complex family
139 68 = Vitamin C family
140 63 = Vitamin D family
141 68 = Vitamin E family
142 79 = Vitamin F (fatty acids)
143 72 = Vitamin K family
144 72 = Vitamin U family (co Q)

145 0 Digestion/ Absorbstion:
146 64 = Protein Digestion
147 86 = Carbohydrate Digestion
148 78 = Fat Digestion
149 53 = General Digestion

150 0 B Vitamins:
151 89 = B1 Thiamine,(nerve problems,Beriberi,heart muscle,edema, energy)
152 71 = B2 Riboflavin,(inflamation of skin,eyes, and nerves, depression, dementia)
153 78 = B3 Niacin,(Pelagra,scaly dermatitis white, nerval disease, dementia, wild)
154 82 = B4 Niacinamide,(digestion, dementia, skin irritation, diarrhea,irritable bowel)
155 102 = B5 Pantothenic acid,(coordination,adrenal function,energy,unfocused thought)
156 95 = B6 Pyridoxine,(convulsions anemia,irritability,cannot remember dreams)
157 80 = B7 Folic acid,(digestive disease,anemia,energy,hormone function,moody)
158 65 = B8 Coenzyme A dir,(energy managment,adrenal thyroid and pituitary function)
159 63 = B9 PABA,(skin,energy,loss of motor neuorn function,depression)
160 86 = B10 Biotin Vitamin H,(mental and muscle problems, chronic fatique)
161 67 = B11 Inositol,(master moleclue of carbon regulation and liver function)
162 88 = B12 Dibencozide,(pernicious anemia,white blood cell function,immunity)
163 105 = B13 Choline,(digestion,stomach function,gall bladder function,depression)
164 53 = B14 Betaine,(nerves of digestion and liver depression)
165 60 = B15 Pangamic acid,(oxygenation disease,itching,liver function,lungs)
166 64 = B16 Oxythiamine,(oxygenation energy regulation)
167 97 = B17 Laetrile,(degeneration regulation of oxygenation)
168 85 = B18 FAD,(oxygenation,energy regulation eye function)
169 57 = B19 Flavin Mononucleotide,(immunity, oxygenation,energy)
170 83 = B20 Carnitine,(oxygenation, heart muscle, energy regulation in muscles)

171 0 Tissue Salts:
172 66 = Calc Flour for bone and teeth, esp enamel, Indic Flabby tissue, vericose veins,
173 74 = Calc Phos, horny or skeletal system, Indic: anemia,scrofluous,bones weak,
174 48 = Ferrum Phos, blood +muscle, Indic: anemia, easy flush, inflamations, congestion
175 83 = Kali Mur, mucous, lymph, lungs Indic: Whitish tongue, < heat > fatty foods, movement
176 87 = Kalti Phos, CNS,Autonomic nerves,Indic:Depression, mental fatique,nervous exhaustion
177 75 = Kali Sulph, epidermis, epithelium, Indic: Slow disease,Thick yellow mucous, Broncitis
178 56 = Mag PhosAntispasms, analgesic,Indic: pains intolerable,mostly Rt.side, weak muscles
179 70 = Nat Mur, Body fluids and tissues, Promotes digestion, Indic: Headaches,eye inflam,
180 92 = Nat Sulph, digestive liver perioteneum Indic: Accumulate fluid,Liver gall blad, uric acid,
181 86 = Nat Phos, muscles nerves brain Indic Hyperacidity, Gout, Joints, arthritis, cystitis
182 63 = Silcea, Connective tissue, bone, lymph, Indic: immature body or mind, brittle bones
183 71 = Calc Sulph, tissue integrity, Indic: any ulcers, pimples pustles, purulent disch,>wet.

184 0 Overall FATTY ACIDS:
185 96 = Low carbon chains
186 89 = Midrange carbon chains
187 105 = Aracadonic related chains
188 120 = Mylein Chains
189 123 = Nutritional deficiency all
190 103 = High carbon chains
191 113 = Enzymatic related

193 83 = vitamin E1
194 71 = vitamin E2
195 50 = vitamin E3

197 71 = vitamin K1
198 77 = vitamin K3
199 84 = vitamin K all

200 0 VITAMIN U /ubiquinone
201 87 = coQ6
202 61 = coQ7
203 50 = coQ8
204 54 = coQ9
205 51 = coQ10
206 71 = coQ all
207 81 = ubiquinone cycle

209 55 = bioflavenoids
210 66 = rutin
211 84 = hesparic acid
212 74 = tyrosine
213 71 = tyrosinase
214 65 = vitamin C ase
215 48 = ascorbic acid

217 67 = vitamin D1
218 122 = vitamin D2
219 62 = vitamin D3
220 75 = vitamin D4

222 67 = beta carotene
223 58 = fish oil
224 77 = retinol
225 49 = A precursors
226 103 = cartilage vitamin A

227 0 Overall Enzymes:
228 133 = oxidation reduction enzymes
229 129 hydrolyzing digestion enzymes
230 166 = phosphorylation thinking enzymes
231 124 = decarboxxylase breathing enzymes
232 111 = hydrolase water regulation enzymes
233 119 = DNA rgulation enzymes
234 99 = mutase isomers transmutation enzymes
235 0
236 0
237 0

238 0 Emotion Report
239 0
240 57 Rejection
241 70 Agression
242 97 Anger
243 66 Anxiety
244 72 Awareness
245 104 Sadness
246 71 Guilt
247 75 Autistic
248 68 Denial
249 74 Careless
250 77 Delusion
251 65 Depression
252 73 Power
253 62 Self Doubt
254 55 Fear
255 66 Confusion
256 74 Hesitation
257 66 Jealosy
258 96 Joy
259 60 Lust
260 69 Greed
261 86 ESP
262 77 Psychic Pain
263 60 Passivity
264 55 Projection
265 68 Rationalization
266 105 Reckless
267 47 Worry
268 67 Abandoned
269 79 Embaressed
270 96 Betrayal
271 107 Misunderstood
272 74 Curiosity
273 40 Awe
274 67 Religous Conflict
275 74 Identity Conflict
276 106 Resistance To Change
277 67 Nervous
278 90 Laughter
279 54 Enthusiasm
280 61 Vaniety
281 59 Bargaining
282 78 Courage
283 74 Shame
284 67 Monotony
285 84 Need to change
286 67 Observant
287 77 Antagonism
288 60 Sensuality
289 55 Spirituality
290 68 Sexuality
291 105 Addictive
292 47 Judgemental
293 67 Apathy
294 79 Ecstasy
295 96 Inadequacy
296 124 Desire for things to be different
297 69 Perfectionistic
298 40 Hopeless despair
299 67 Dominating
300 74 Submissive
301 106 Pride
302 67 Resentment
303 90 Shock
304 58 Unaware
305 61 Obsessive
306 59 Compulsive
307 78 Manic uncontrollable
308 74 Impulsive
309 67 Steadfast Loyal
310 84 Easily Distracted
311 67 Focus mind
312 67 UnRealistic
313 66 Frustration

Risk Report

332 79 LIVER
339 83 BONE
341 86 AMEOBA

344 0 MINERAL REPORT , Values are patient reaction values
345 0 mostly from deficiency, but excess reactivity is possible
346 0 Organ related:

347 109 = Calcium (weak bones,nerves,adrenals)
348 141 = Potassium (fatique,nerves,energy,heart)
349 42 = Sodium (depression,nerves,fatique,digestion)
350 44 = Chlorine (acid alk balance,stomach acid dis,nerves)
351 119 = Magnesium (adrenal regulation, oxygen energy)
352 45 = Iron (anemia,fatique, oxygen)
353 70 = Sulphur (detox,energy,emotions,unfocused)
354 79 = Manganese (nerval and muscle disease)
355 80 = Chromium (sugar regulation, muscle )
356 110 = Zinc (immunity,oxygen,metabolic disease)
357 115 = Selenium (detox,nerves,energy,skin)
358 60 = Iodine (thyroid function,energy,metabolism)
359 61 = Phosphorous (cellular function,energy, thought)
360 25 = Boron (nerval regulation dementia depression)
361 109 = Molybedum (thyroid function,lactation,fatique)
362 65 = Silicon (bone,skin,nerves)
363 67 = Cobalt (anemia, immunity)
364 70 = Lithium (nerves, thought, energy,hypothalamus function)
365 73 = Germanium (nerves,oxygenation,skin,energy)
366 94 = Arsenic (energy,nerves)
367 72 = Antimony (skin,detox,bowel function)
368 110 = Tin (nerves,muscles)
369 70 = Carbon (energy,life regulation)
370 46 = Vanadium (liver function heart muscle)
371 58 = Aluminum (nerves, thought regulation)

372 0 AMINO ACID REPORT , Values are patient reaction values
373 0 mostly from deficiency, but excess reactivity is possible
374 0 Organ related:

375 47 = Phenylalanine, (pain control,nerves)
376 99 = Alanine, (kidney and nerves )
377 68 = Asparatine,(nutrasweet, nerval destruction)
378 46 = Cysteine, (kidney utilization )
379 67 = Leucine, (mood control, emotions)
380 99 = Isoleucine, (emotional control, nerves)
381 85 = Serine, (carbohydrate energy conversion)
382 54 = Tryptophan, (serotonin and relaxation)
383 54 = Histidine, (antiinflamation, antiallergy)
384 69 = Methionine, (liver and oxygenation)
385 41 = Lysine, (anti herpes lesion, nerves)
386 66 = Threonine, (hormonal and energy production)
387 40 = Tyrosine, (thyroid,pit and adrenal function)
388 41 = Valine, (for regulation of blood cells)
389 77 = Glutamine, (supplies energy to brain)
390 47 = Proline,(sulphur disorders)
391 88 = Arginine , (nerves and skin)
392 98 = Glutaminic Acid (supplies energy to brain)
393 63 = Aspartic Acid,( nutrasweet, nerval destruction)
394 46 = Adenosine,(circulation, energy)
395 42 = Uracil ,(for RNA function)
396 52 = Adenine,(for DNA RNA function)
397 44 = Guanine,(for DNA RNA function)
398 81 = Cytosine,(for DNA RNA function)
399 103 = Thymine,(for DNA RNA function)

400 0 Aroma Therapy, Values are patient reaction values
401 0 Organ related:

402 130 = Balsam oil antiseptic and expectorant
403 92 = Basil aroma oil aids digestion, antispasmodic
404 94 = Cajeput aroma oil gastrointestinal, pulmonary antimicrobial
405 125 = Caraway aroma oil after meals prevents flatuence, stims digestion
406 125 = Cedar aroma oil skin iritations, dermatosis, dry skin eczema
407 144 = Cinnamon aroma oil antiseptic deodorant, nausea, constipation,
408 94 = Clove aroma oil, antiseptic, toothache, indigestion,aphrodisiac
409 124 = Coriander, aids digestion, prevents fermentation,bloating,circulation
410 92 = Cypress aroma oil, astringent,contracts veins,vericose, legs feet
411 99 = Eucalyptus aroma oil, antiseptic for respiratory tract, antiviral
412 124 = Geranium aroma oil, eczema,acne,cuts,dermatosis,insect repellant
413 97 = Grapefruit aroma oil,heart tonic,oily skin,cleans digestive tract
414 100 = Green Anise aroma oil,digestive,bloating,intestinal tract
415 139 = Juniper aroma oil, rheumatic pain, detox, diuretic,stims kidney
416 144 = Lavender aroma oil,calming, detox, skin and nerve relaxant
417 106 = Lemon aroma oil, stims immunity, weightloss
418 135 = Mandarin aroma oil,epilepsy,antispamodic,palpitations,relaxant
419 121 = Orange aroma oil, relaxant,sedative for children
420 112 = Oregano aroma oil protects immune,sudorific
421 138 = Peppermint aroma oil, nervous digestion calmer,NOT if breast feeding
422 90 = Thyme aroma oil,intestinal,pulmonary,muscular pain
423 136 = Rosemary aroma oil,tonifier, revitalizes liver gallbladder
424 134 = Sandalwood aroma oil, urinary antiseptic, cystitis,prostate
425 126 = Tea Tree aroma oil,skin, detox, infection, sinus
426 90 = Vervain aroma oil, relaxant, antiseptic,dissolve kidney stones

Top 200

427 126 ALCHEMILLA VULGARIS,(天24)美擷草(斗篷草)有助改善婦女乳房問題 Ladys’ Mantle for breast problems
428 123 Ciliary Processes EYE 眼睫毛
429 122 (FE) DILL:蒔蘿花精療法,有助人把權力下放他人後重新平衡權力 Assists individual in reclaiming power balance one has released to others.
430 122 MUSHROOM (ALR)音樂CD 932-紓解壓力,蘑菇,可能對此過敏,可能正受工作壓力困擾 emotional remedy for employment stress
431 122 D2 VITANIN CHOLECALCIFEROL, 維生素D2 used in regulation of internal calcium, IDs sunshine def
432 121 SHELLFISH (OYSTER),牡蠣, 可能對此過敏, 心理上可能對性或男女關係缺乏安全感 allergy or sensiivity, emotional sexual insecurity
433 119 ANTHRAX 炭疽病危機,可能由動物接觸而感染細菌所致,會危害肺部結締組織及淋巴疾病bacteria from animal contact, can produce lung lymph and connective tissue disease, clear@
434 118 ADDISON’S DISEASE 腎上腺皮質激素分泌不足(圖26,829,830) deficiency in the secretion of adrenocortical hormones. }
435 118 CARNOSINE \一種氨基酸,可能RNA之功能異常,影響肌肉功能 amino acid IDs RNA dysfunction in muscles
436 118 EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS\ Eyebright小米草,可改善眼疾,感冒,ForEyes,Cold+fluSympt,>evening
437 117 Vidya Kidney yin normalization of the kidney and its meridian # yin strength
438 117 DYSENTERY 腹瀉,可能因變形蟲或細菌感染而引起。 extreme diarehhea usually form giardia or ameoba*
439 117 ELM MIX (ALR)雜交之榆樹,可能對此過敏,反映為人追求完美,感到力有不逮而產生耗盡感Occasional Feelings of Inadequacy,Exhaustion from Trying for perefection
440 117 DIMETHYL-CHEMICALS乙烷化合物異常,用作製化妝品,西藥,農藥,油漆,塑膠等 used in cosmetics,medicines,insecticides,paints,plastics Use Industriox
441 117 NIACIN 煙酸(尼亞新)Circulation,一種促進血液循環及神經線之維生素,可能有動脈阻塞Vitamin also used for nerves, can ID arteriole blockage
442 116 (FE) SENECIO: 花精療法,舒緩懼怕衰老之心理Fear of ageing
443 116 RUTIN 芸白甘,含豐富維生素C,用作刺激免疫系統功能 Vitamin C rich , Used to stimulate The immune system
444 115 (FE) SQUASH:南瓜,花精療法,有助人面對困境 Personal adversity and turmoil
445 115 Lymphdiaral
446 114 Cicuta
447 114 SUCROSE, 蔗糖,反映極度需要糖份或有糖份代謝功能失調 sugar shows problem with sugar craving or regulation
449 113 GRIPPE 80-89 types of flu viruses# (189)80-89年流行之病毒
450 113 Naso-Palatine Nerve 鼻顎骨神經
451 113 BRASSICA NIGRA(Black Mustard)\黑芥末,清腸,改善情緒,排除皮膚毒素,改善消化,促進過氧化氫酵素之生成Purgative,Effects Peroxidase,Digestive stims gastric juices
452 112 EE Essene Essence Oil Helps set chiro adjustments and relieve pain. Keep out of eyes and mucous membranes
453 112 Parathyroid Hormone, 副甲狀腺素,使骨骼之鈣質進入血中的賀爾蒙 hormone that takes calcium out of the bone for blood calcium
455 111 TRICHINOSIS 旋毛蟲病(毛線蟲病)—因旋毛蟲寄生於腸與肌肉組織中所患的發燒,嘔吐,下痢,肌肉疼痛等疾病 }
456 111 small intestines 小腸 印度配方 Narayani Om Ayurvedic formula designed for duplication on the QXCI
457 110 Clematus
458 110 PROPIONBACTERIUM ACNE,一種主要引致暗瘡的細菌,表示可能免疫力太弱或有太多細菌 chief bacteria causing acne, IDs weak immuno function or excess bacteria@
459 110 PSY-HYS (DR)(QHC)歇斯底里情緒調養素,有效改善不受控制之興奮情緒,或因個人對自己某器官或外表不滿而產生之情緒困擾For hysteria or when a patient projects an emotional problem into a physical organ
460 110 MYRISTIC ACID 荳蔻酸異常,一種用作調節免疫力之脂肪酸 Fatty Acid Needed for immuno modulation
461 110 PLATYCODI RADIX (root of the balloon flower)氣球花根,改善喉嚨不適,除痰 \ For throat conditions, promotes pus discharge
462 109 Blood, Phenobarbital 血液中苯巴比妥(一種鎮靜催眠劑)異常。
463 109 MOLYBDENUM,鉬,維持正常甲狀腺功能的必需物質,常用於石油化工及牙科上,過量可中毒needed for thyroid function,used in petroleum,dental work,etc,can be toxic
464 109 Estrone ,雌素酮,一種女性賀爾蒙,表示可能有婦科疾病之潛在危機 estrogen female hormone IDs female concern
465 109 BLADDER INFLAMATION膀胱炎,可能因毒素或細菌感染泌尿道而引致(cystitis) IDs toxic or infected bladder or urinary tract
466 109 SESAME (ALR)音樂CD 102-和諧知音,芝麻, 可能對此過敏。因未能解決過人事衝突及害怕面對未來而情緒受困擾 allergy or emotional inability to resolve past conflicts &enter the future
467 108 GM Food type 4 Genetically modified foods indicates dystrucural exposure or sensitivity
468 108 Eastern equine encephalitis virus Biological Warfare Variations
469 108 GM192 SHOU TAI WAN 中草藥配方Habitual tendency to miscarriage,infertility,lower back ache. Tones and nourishes and uterus.
470 108 Homeopathic tooth paste 同類療法牙膏。
471 108 EPA-DHA COMPLEX Essential fatty acids from cold water fish 為一完全天然之 ω-3 必須脂肪酸(EPA、DHA)來源,濃縮萃取自深海魚油。
472 108 Brain 補腦印度配方 Narayani Om Ayurvedic formula designed for duplication on the QXCI
473 108 Lotus Essence Spray for stress蓮花噴劑,減壓
474 108 FEAR 音樂CD 951-焦慮、害怕,恐懼,憂慮,擔心,畏懼。它是人遇到危險或回想,想像危險時產生的情緒,由於缺乏擺脫危機的力量而產生恐懼,不同的人對恐懼會有不同反應 this imponderable homeopathic reacts from excess or supression
475 108 ANTHRACNUM(ANTHRAX)炭疽病危機,可能由動物接觸而感染細菌所致,會危害肺部結締組織及淋巴bacterial infection from animal contact,lung connective tissue,lymphdi@
476 108 POLLEN CHENOPODIUM (ALR)藜科植物(包括菠菜,甜菜,藜等)之花粉,可能對此過敏。 allergy sensitivity or toxic reaction avoid and desensitize
477 108 PUMEX\ 改善泌尿系統,除痰,改善因未能洞悉難題而引起的情緒Expectorant, Urinary disfunctions, emotional concern of inability to see problems
478 107 Vivramed CR energetic treatment for virus infection
479 107 CYTOZYME F/Broad-spectrum support for female glandular functions in one tablet/ BIOTICS E.N.B
480 107 Narayani 109 Vision 50m
481 107 (FE) RED CAMELLIA: 紅山荼,花精療法,改善因童年受壓而產生之恐懼感或心理打擊Inner child shock and fear
482 107 (FE) SCILLA: 花精療法,改善好支配別人,自負或凡事好爭論之性情Domination, self-importance, a need to be right
483 107 NATURAL SQUALENE 角鯊烯—抗衰老、心臟病、腦中風、胃潰瘍、肝病、糖尿病
484 107 Muscle extensors of hand and wrist 242手臂及手腕之伸肌異常或酸痛
485 107 Vagus NERVES, 迷走神經異常,腦神經第十對,控制胃腸消化及心臟之副交感神經之功用10th cranial nerve Parasympathetic stim of viscera, effects digestion,heart,etc
486 107 NOTECHIS SCUTATUS VENOM TIGER SNAKE,反映有已知及不知名的恐懼感 fear remedy of hidden and known fears
487 107 ADDIC 1 (DR) (QHC)上癮排毒營養素,有效改善對藥物上癮之症狀 For general addiction problems, use for addictive personalities
488 107 NARINGENIN 可能對柑橘類之水果過敏,如橙,桔等,心理上可能缺乏愛心關懷 sugar utilization identifies citrus allergy, emotional link to lack of felt love
489 106 Vibramed MG + Vibramed TH Energetic treatment for exhaustion and loss of vitality
490 106 Sabal serrul./Prostatis/ NETSMANN-Arzneimittel
491 106 CA/MG PLUS/Calcium, magnesium and porcine parathyroid tissue/ BIOTICS E.N.B
492 106 Sleep 失眠, 印度配方 Narayani Om Ayurvedic formula designed for duplication on the QXCI
493 106 (FE) TREE TOBACCO:煙草,花精療法 Smoke free
494 106 SPIRUL MINUS (water carried bacteria causing rat bite fever) 一種由水源傳染之細菌,會有發燒症狀found in blood of rodents,Rx BAC-@
495 106 EMBOLISM 血管阻塞,可能因血凝塊引致 obstructon of blood vessel from foriegn body,usually blood clot, PIT VIPER VENOM 6xtreats
496 106 NERVE MERIDIAN 神經經絡,這個穴位經絡能量流通可能受阻。 this acupuncture meridian has shown reactivity possibly blockage
498 105 Narayani Special 29 KIDNEY/ All kidney and bladder and fluid complaints / Narayani S. mixture
499 105 Serotonina F30/一種意大利同類療法配方 endocrinology / GUNA s.r.l., MILANO
500 105 PARKINSON’S DISEASE 震顫麻痺,帕金森氏病 }
503 105 DHEA 是一種抗老化的賀爾蒙先驅體。 hormonal precursor rumored for its antiaging effects
504 105 (FE) IMPATIENS: 花精療法,助人有更大的忍耐力面對不同處境Restoring tolerance and acceptance to situations and circumstances
505 105 (FE) WITCH HAZEL: 金縷梅,山榆,花精療法,有心靈治療作用Spiritual healing
506 105 (FE) BORAGE: 硫璃蒿,花精療法,能安定情緒Calm
507 105 BACH FLOWER CERATO貝曲花白花丹,缺失乏自,盲目相信權威,經常請教別人意見才敢做決定,過份審慎及謙虛,不敢創新 Distrust of Self, Doubt one’s Abilities, Foolishness
508 105 Stapes EAR(鐙骨)耳分外,中,內三部.外耳包括耳郭與外耳道,由鼓膜與中耳隔開.中耳內有三小骨相連,鎚骨,鐙骨,砧骨,自鼓室以達耳內之前庭窗,鼓膜一震動,即由三骨傳至外淋巴,再由膜迷路至內淋巴與聽覺神經。
509 105 DICOR dental isode其中之一種帶有毒素之補牙物質。
510 105 TOXASCARIS LEONIA WORM,一種寄生在腸內的寄生蟲 can ID intestinal parasites of various kinds or sources*
511 105 BONE MARROW (NV) (QHC)骨髓營養素,有效改善骨髓功能。 sarcode remedy for restoring bone marrow
512 105 FORMICUM ACIDUM 蟻酸,改善風濕關節炎,痛風等AntVenom,ForArthritis,Gout,Rheumatism,
513 105 CARYOPHYLLUS AROMATICUS (Cloves)丁香\ 改善疼痛及淨化細胞組織Cleanse tissues, antipain, aphrodesiac
514 104 Sodium and potassium bicarbonate alcoholising complex/ to assist small intestine pancreatic enzyme activity/ Biocare UK
515 104 C-4 ARTHRO MUSCOTOX / CAUSAL CHAIN THERAPY C-PLEX / FUTURE PLEX | Joint/muscle pain, arthritis, injuries, overuse, strain, atheletes.
516 104 Asthma-Injectopas./Atemwege/ PASCOE NATURMEDIZIN
517 104 Tussiflorin Hustensaft./Atemwege/ PASCOE NATURMEDIZIN
518 104 Lilium F/Cronic Fatigue aspecially with women,Erschopfung, vor allem bei Frauen/ NETSMANN-Arzneimittel
519 104 Meningitis Biological Warfare Variations
520 104 NATURA TUSS / Syrup with Chinese herbs / Biotics ENB
521 104 GLUCO-SYN-AMINE/Combination of niacin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, manganese, glucosamine, MSM and silica for joints/ BIOTICS E.N.B
522 104 HISTAMINUM-COMPOSITUM – 食物過敏Food allergies.
523 104 Sepia CMP/一種意大利同類療法配方(焦慮,情緒低落)Anxious depression/GUNA s.r.l., MILANO
524 104 Dentotox 7/一種排除牙齒毒素的意大利同類療法配方anesthessia/GUNA s.r.l., MILANO D Nosode dental isode
525 104 Beta Max – Beta Glucan 貝他葡聚糖 100 or 500mg. IDs weak immune system from Chisolm Bio Labs
526 104 Ligaplex ll 標準配方營養素 Standard Process
527 104 Opium 200C 單方同類療法糖粒營養素 Homeopathy Japan
528 104 (FE) HIBISCUS:木槿,花精療法,促進創造力及能量 Focusing creative abilities and energy
529 104 Empty空白
530 104 BACH FLOWER CENTAURY貝曲花矢車菊,針對那些意志比較薄弱,過份刻意取悅他人而忽略自己利益的人。 Weak willed, Too easily influenced, Willing to serve.
531 104 LUCITONE 199 dental isode其中之一種帶有毒素之補牙物質。
532 104 HISTOPLASMOSIS 3 fungus, (195)黴菌之一種,會影響免疫系統功能。 can ID systemic fungus or fungal immune weakness^
533 104 THORACIC (DR) (QHC)胸椎營養素,有效修補胸椎細胞並排除其毒素Sarcode remedy for tissue rebuilding and detox
534 104 PAIN FORMULA I (NV) (QHC)音樂CD 943-疼痛、手術後疼痛,止痛營養素(1),有效改善身體痛楚。這種痛楚可配合按摩來改善。 combo remedy for pains improved by touch
535 104 L-THREONINE 蘇氨酸,一種促進細胞生長之氨基酸,心理上可能會有成長恐懼感amino acid essential for growth, emotional link to lack of growth emotionally
536 103 Pine Austrian (ALR) Pollen Extract
537 103 GRAVIZON / Dietary Supplement / AMAZON HERB CO.
538 103 Pascosedon Tabl. /Nerven,Psyche,Schlaf,Schmerzen,Migrane,Schwindel/PASCOE Naturmedizin
539 103 Bryonia Spl. ./Immunsystem, Allergie, Infecte/ PASCOE NATURMEDIZIN
540 103 CARTILAGE /For articulations and cartilage problems and to prevent neovascularisation Biotics ENB
542 103 (FE) HIBBERTIA: 花精療法, 自我接納及與生俱來之知識Acceptance of self and own innate knowledge
543 103 ANDROGRAPHIS PANICULATA Chuan xin lian\ 穿心蓮237清熱解毒,涼血,消腫, Clears Heat, for emotional repression
544 103 ARGININE PLUS L-arginine with ActiFolate 為高品質之必須胺基酸L-精胺酸(L-arginine)之營養補充品。適當地補充L-精胺酸有助於緩和心絞痛患者之症狀。
545 103 mense irregular 經期不準 印度配方 Narayani Om Ayurvedic formula designed for duplication on the QXCI
546 103 CYTOCHROME, 一種細胞色素, 一種促進眼部之能量代謝化合物energy compound needed for sugar and energy regulation,essential for eyes
547 103 LM 23 Prostate 前列腺配方
548 103 PAS Meridian 10 改善經絡阻礙配方10
549 103 BACH FLOWER WILLOW 貝曲花楊柳,針對曾受不幸遭遇或不公平對待而感到痛苦及憤世疾俗的人,如果他們不原諒別人,會有怨恨心及報復心 Resentment, Bitternesss
550 103 Conjunctiva EYE 眼睛結膜(即眼球白色表面部份)
551 103 C 8:0 Caprylic 脂方酸之一種,是細胞膜及神經髓屑之原料之一,反映在建造脂肪酸時產生問題或營養上之不足。 part of the fatty acid chain,IDs problem in fatty acid development or diet
552 103 TULAREMIA(424) 兔熱病,由白兔傳染的疾病,心理上有害羞膽小症狀BACTERIA FOUND IN RABBITS,emotional remedy for shyness timidity@
553 103 OPHIOPHAGUS HANNAH VENOM KING COBRA,細胞組織惡化及退化,可使用Degex產品 tissue decay and degeneration,use Degex
554 103 APIUM GRAVEOLENS \ 改善排毒系統功能,可能有腎石危機 Kidneystones , weak detox system,
555 102 CELLULAR NUCLEAR INJURY | From radiation, virus, toxins, abnormal deposits of glycogen, lamellar bodies, etc., abnormal DNA-dependent RNA synthesis makes malignant cells. }
556 102 PROGESTERONE (K-20) | Dietary supplement, sublingual. APEX ENERGETICS
557 102 Feathers Mix (ALR) Epithelial Extract
558 102 Fusarum Mix (ALR) Mould Fungus Extract
559 102 Pulsatilla Spl. /Endokrines System/PASCOE Naturmedizin
560 102 Lachesis/Sepsis,Phlebitis/ NETSMANN-Arzneimittel
561 102 S Spleen Only spleen support formula in western nutrition that produces consistent results
562 102 Allergy plex N.6Shellfish/GUNA s.r.l., MILANO 意大利同類療法過敏配方 (貝殼類海產) ALR
564 102 EMPHYSEMA 肺氣腫 }
565 102 White Wine (ALR) 可能對白酒過敏
566 102 Cataplex E 標準配方營養素Standard Process
567 102 (FE) RED-ORANGE EPIPHYLLUM:紅橙花, 花精療法,助人夢想成真An excellent essence for manifestation
568 102 (FE) BEAR GRASS:熊草, 花精療法,增強個人之意向及目標No outside influence can overpower our intentions
569 102 (FE) BLUSHING BRIDE:紅新娘花,花精療法 ,增強女性力量,平衡陰陽能量Strengthens female energy, yin-yang balance
570 102 Empty空白
571 102 EPA-DHA EXTRA STRENGTH Concentrated essential fatty acids from cold water fish EPA:DHA=3:2 為最佳之深海魚油比例,更能發揮其功能。
572 102 Blood, Acetoacetate plus acetone血液中乙醢乙酸及丙酮異常。
573 102 Solidago一枝黃花
574 102 Diazepam一種鎮靜之安眠藥
575 102 Leupeptin Enzyme Inhibitor, 一種與免疫及白血球細胞製造有關之酵素,表示可能免疫力弱。peptide for immune and white blood cell manufacture, IDs hypoimmunity
576 102 MYOBACTERIUM LEPRAE LEPROSY, 痲瘋病, 使皮膚潰爛likes acid,onset 1-30yr.lesions on coolerSkin,anasthesia of skin,@^
577 102 CYST TENOSYOVIAL 肌腱囊胞,在肌腱或關節生囊胞,可能由變形蟲引起,或表示關節滑液有問題。 cyst on tendon or in joint, can becaused by ameoba,or ID synovial fluid disease
578 102 CYTOMEGALO VIRUS 一種可能引致慢性疲勞之皰疹病毒 herpes type virus that cause chonic fatique use epstein barr formula#
579 102 INTERLEUKIN 白血球細胞介素異常,反映免疫功能異常 Immune system modulator IDs immune dysfunction
580 102 PYROGALLOL 焦棓酸,一種化合物,用作攝影濕影劑及治療皮膚病,可能引致肝腎功能衰退及溶血cause methyl globinuria, hemolysis, kidney& liver dysfunction
581 102 L-LEUCINE L-白氨酸,一種一元羧的必需氨基酸,主要來源為奶類,可能有奶類過敏 a monocarboxylic essential amino acid, mostly from milk, IDs dairy sensitivity
582 102 AGARICUS\ (mushroom)傘菌(蘑菇),改善腦部疲勞及皮膚問題 For brain exhaustion, Skin afflictions
583 101 TANRIKKAI TERMINALIA BELLIRICIA Vertigo, cough, circulation, hypersalivation, sterility — Sri Ramana Maharshi Natural Spagyric Remedies made for Duplication
584 101 D-9 SNS-DRN / DRAINAGE THERAPY D-PLEX & HERBALS / FUTUREPLEX | Stimulate/support sinus drainage.
585 101 No 11 Constitution energetic treatment for haematogenic constitution # chronic hepatic stress
586 101 Staph entero toxins (B) (aureus) Biological Warfare Variations
587 101 RUGEL ZALF / Warts / Biotics ENB
588 101 EURO-VIROBAC / Flu, colds, fever / Biotics ENB
589 101 Bupleurum Entangled Qi / for stagn. of Liver Qi, clears heat & toxins, resolves phlegm; breast lumps, depression / Health Concerns
590 101 TOOTH sarcode 不知名之牙質異常dentin unspecified
591 101 GM348 GAN CAO &BAI SHAO 中草藥配方Antispasmodic moderates pain due to smooth and skeletal muskle spasm .
592 101 GM390 KANG DU SAN 中草藥配方Broad spectrum anti-viral action.General antibotic action-antiviral and antibacterial, anti-pyretic, detoxicant.
593 101 NIGHT BLINDNESS 夜盲, 在夜晚時視力減退,可能因缺乏維生素A,或遺傳引起 }
594 101 Antimony 銻微量元素,改善皮膚,排毒,胃腸功能 (skin,detox,bowel function)’;mineral
595 101 SPEMAN 印度天然配方,男性補身 for Male Care , Ayurvedic Natural Product , the Himalaya Drug Co.
596 101 Zymex(Wafers) 標準配方營養素(鋅) Standard Process
597 101 Organic Minerals 標準配方營養素 Standard Process
598 101 Sacral and lumbar 薦椎及腰椎,印度配方Narayani Om Ayurvedic formula designed for duplication on the QXCI
599 101 (FE) MARIGOLD:金盞花,萬壽菊,花精療法 ,改善懷疑心理,過份理性及直線思考之人士Skepticism, rational mind and linear thinking
600 101 (FE) TOMATO:番茄花,花精療法,能增強個人對細菌感染或疾病之能力 Cleansing the body from infection or disease.
601 101 Magnet exposure over doing of magnetic exposure, stop magnetic therapy for one week 過度曝露於磁場中
602 101 Curry cross 一種負面的磁場壓力 Geopathic stress
603 101 LM 39 Immunization 免疫力配方
604 101 SHIGA KRUSE 志賀氏桿菌,會影響消化功能shigella bacteria,nonmotile, nonlactose fermenting bacteria in bowel, causes digestive@
605 101 STAPHYLOCOCCINUM,葡萄球菌,會引致皮膚,肺部腸道疾病 staph infection homeopathic, skin conditions,lung infections, intestines effected@
606 101 CIRRHOSIS 肝硬化 ,指甲會變白,肝臟疼痛 liver disease produces white on nails and liver pain or liver flutter
607 101 CANTALOUPE (ALR),花皮密瓜,可能對此過敏 ,反映因怕失去面子或怕人取笑而不敢在眾人前說話或演說allergy or sensitivity, fear of loss of face or public speaking
608 101 LEAD 鉛毒 ,影響身體虛弱,頭痛,疲勞,面色瘡白,多因吸入汽車燃油廢氣,接觸油漆,食水污染,進食受污染之海產而引致systemic weakness, headaches, fatique, pale, toxic exposure
609 101 SUMMER POLLENS (AMARANTHUS)一種夏天花粉, 可能對此過敏,可能與所愛的人關係呈現緊張狀態 allergen or emotional need for release of tension with loved one
610 100 NT188 nerve system support with gluttate acid, magnesium aserphate, passion flower, calcium gluconate, enzymes and B vitamins/ Biocare UK
611 100 ASC Plus for male fertility support/ Biocare UK
612 100 Prolactazyme Forte milk digesting enzyme complex with vegetable source rennin, lactase, ramalaine, papine, lipase/ Biocare UK
613 100 Vyta-myn Complex (special stress formulation)/micro-coated vitamin and mineral supplement specifically for stress support/ Biocare UK
615 100 Spartium Spl. /Herz-Kreislauf Gafabe/PASCOE Naturmedizin
616 100 TOOTH sarcode 牙齒–右上側門牙異常 Lateral Incisor upper right
617 100 CLNZ Chelator Purifies and detoxifies while chelating heavy metals
618 100 Hexane ,乙烷, 一種無色可燃液體,C6H14,從石酒的分餾中提取,用作溶劑和低溫氣壓計的工作流體 solvent
619 100 COLINTESTON – Alumina-comp. -肝及腸臟 Drops for the liver and intestines.
620 100 Endotox N.12/一種排毒意大利同類療法配方(肌肉)muscle endoxins/GUNA s.r.l., MILANO
621 100 Cholesterol-lowering agents/降膽固醇劑, 一種用作處理高膽固醇,預防心臟病突發的合成西藥 treat high cholesterol, prevent heart attacks/ALO
623 100 Immun.Transfer Factor 1 免疫轉移因子1,HIV 1,EBV,CMV,Herpes 1,Herpes 2,HHV6, Human and BovineTB , Pnem.Carini, Mycobacterium Avian, Chlorospridium. from Chisolm Bio Labs
624 100 (FE) THISTLE: 薊,花精療法,助人看見生活中充滿恩典Helps to recognize grace in our lives
625 100 YUAN HU ZHI TONG PAIN 元胡止痛片410 (Corydalis Pills) 理氣,活血,止痛,用於氣滯血瘀的胃痛,頭痛及經痛等 Pain relief\ ,for the emotion of skepticism
626 100 Empty空白
627 100 constipation 便祕 印度配方Narayani Om Ayurvedic formula designed for duplication on the QXCI


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近來,智能手錶變得越來越流行。最重要的功能將不僅是與手機鏈接以支持手機的語音和消息功能,而且還要監視人體健康,例如運動,睡眠,心律等。智能手錶的主要營銷方向將是:1 。內置更多智能手機功能以取代智能手機; 2.內置更多運行狀況檢查功能,以便為您提供7×24顯示器和SOS警報。智能手錶最受歡迎的品牌名稱是Apple Watch、Samsung Watch等。下面我們來回顧一下Apple Watch最常見的智能手錶功能:

我認為及不建議在其中內置更多電話功能,因為4G / 5G信號不利於人體健康,因此,佩戴帶有4G / 5G SIM卡的智能手機並不好。另一方面,如果要談論智能手錶以支持健康,則需要提及Fitbit這品牌名稱,它是最好的健身追踪器設備之一。其監視功能如下:

  • GPS
  • 跟踪運動,如步行,跑步,騎自行車等
  • 體溫
  • 使用紅外IR和近紅外(NIR)進行SpO2測量以測量血氧飽和度(SpO2),即血液氧含量
  • SOS和監護人警報
  • 心電圖(ECG)
  • 血壓傳感器
  • 心率區檢測
  • 心率變異性–情緒
  • 睡眠呼吸暫停檢測
  • 空氣質量監測儀
  • IP68(50m)防水

作為下一代健康監視智能手錶,我最近發現了兩款具有其他一些非常有用功能的智能手錶:1)vyvo手錶支持Bion Que plus Wave診斷; 2)Healy 手錶支持 共振治癒。讓我們來介紹這兩個設備的特定功能吧。


使用vyvo手錶,我們可以在各個方面“聆聽我們的身體的聲音”,並更好地了解我們的主要生物參數。除了大多數常規的健康監視器功能(例如,體溫和血液氧含量)外,我還要強調其兩個特別吸引的功能。首先,它有空氣質量監控器功能,為我們提供了流感的早期徵兆和傳播,重點是新型冠狀病毒SARS-CoV-2(稱為COVID-19) 預防 。另外,它包括扁鵲脈搏波診斷
功能 。此脈搏波分析功能可提供有關某些器官狀態的反饋。 扁鵲脈搏波分析基於中醫獨特的診斷方法。它依賴於十二經絡的檢查,這是一種在十二個子午線中選擇一種易於檢查的新興或相對新興的脈動血管的方法,並且由手腕脈搏進行脈搏檢查。

Healy Watch支持共振治療

Healy Watch可以提供有關當天的健康狀況和睡眠結果的一般信息。這些包括:

  • 步數計數器
  • 卡路里消耗計數器
  • 距離計數器
  • BPM(每分鐘心跳)/心率
  • 鍛煉歷史
  • 活躍時間
  • HRV(心率變異性)
  • 睡眠時間和狀況。

但是,它最吸引人的功能是健康分析和共振治療推薦程序,它可以根據以下6個重要參數分析到推薦的Healy 共振治療程序:


2. BPA





這些參數的最佳平衡在邊界之間的中間範圍內。所有異常值都顯示在中心範圍的左側或右側。最重要的3個參數代表您的身體承受能力和平衡:心率評估,心率變異性和身體壓力水平。 “經絡子午線屏幕 ” 顯示“子午線時鐘”程序,這些程序可以在各個器官最活躍的一天的特定時間運行。
(注意:我們在這裡使用的是傳統中醫(TCM)經絡模型,而Healy Holistic Health Plus版本中包含的經絡程序是根據經絡模型建立的。您可以在 Healy 圖標上啟動這些程序。)


如果您對Vovy手錶或Healy手錶感興趣,歡迎與我們 聯繫,我們將為您進一步解釋,亦可為您訂購產品。
