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WeLife Muscle Gel Case Study – My Client Experience

Name: Mr. Tse
Sex: Male
Age: 57 years old
Case content:
Suffering from knee ache for more than ten years, pained as going up and down the stairs. He tried many treatments, sometimes it went good then bad. He tried “WeLife Muscle Gel”. After a month, his pain improved greatly. In addition, the use of “WeLife HGH Derm gel” to stimulate the regeneration of joint soft tissues. After two months, he recovered. Currently, he only need to use “WeLife HGH Derm Gel” as a health care.

Name: Josie
Gender: Female
Age: 40 years old
Case content:
Suffering from acute torticollis, she did not see any improvement in three or four days. As she wanted to see the doctor next day, fortunately, she tried “WeLife Muscle Gel”. After two days, I recovered and I didn’t need to see a doctor.

Name: Mr. Ng
Sex: Male
Age: 55 years old
Case content:
He have suffered from “Fifty Shoulder pain” for a long time, and he would be slightly painful and inconvenient to raise up his arm. He tried many treatment methods, but could not cure it. He tried “WeLife Muscle Gel”. After a week, he found that the pain improved 80 to 90%; then he decided to buy it.

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