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Development TimeLine and History of TimeWaver and Healy

In 2007, as Marcus Schmieke met with the physicist Burkhard Heim, he learnt about 12-dimensional world model, gave the deciding impetus to start the development of Information Field technology. With the consolidated research and findings from various fields of study and after many years of personal research, Marcus Schmieke succeeded in developing a system called TimeWaver that makes information field technology practically applicable, and communication with the information field possible. This was the birth of TimeWaver, and an entrance into a new era. The long forgotten knowledge of the interaction between matter and the psyche is now put into practical use by the TimeWaver systems for people today and in the future.Using FSM (Frequency Specific Microcurrent – an electromedical method), the cell receptors are activated to resume their natural function in order tosupport intracellular processes, metabolic processes, gene expression and the protein configuration of the cell. This model is based on the assumption that the physiological cell functions are disturbed by injuries, trauma, bacteria, viruses or other external factors.
Several years later, the TimeWaver Home system was developed. It is a portable and compact treatment system for personalized frequency therapy. Although it is so versatile and powerful, it can be easily operated by everyone using “just” three buttons. Besides its programs for various indications, it includes special sets for energetic-systemic treatment based on Nuno Nina´s therapy protocol.
For further development of personal usage, a handheld size of healing device was developed, called Healy. It launched in Hong Kong market in year 2019. It will become a new era of medicine industry.

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