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Electromagnetic Wave of Spooky2-XM Safe Distance

All electronic devices will emit electromagnetic waves to a certain extent. Radio waves and magnetic waves are a general term for the two. However, since electric and magnetic fields always appear at the same time, disappear at the same time, and convert to each other, the two are usually collectively referred to as electromagnetic waves. , sometimes simply referred to as radio waves. Although there is no generally accepted evidence that living in environments with higher average electromagnetic wave levels increases health risks (especially cancer risk), it can only be said that it may affect human health, but in fact it definitely affects other electronic equipment, such as listening to old When using the radio received by the antenna, if there is a phone ringing next to it, the radio will have a “beep…beep” noise, which is the effect of signal interference.

We generally measure the electric field strength of electromagnetic waves in volts/meter (V/m). For low-frequency electromagnetic wave radiation, we also need to consider its magnetic field strength, which is in Tesla (T). Frequency electromagnetic radiation is also measured by power density (unit: W/m2). It is recommended that the safe electromagnetic wave value of the public environment is not greater than 10V/m and 0.4µT, but this reference has no legal effect.

Electromagnetic waves emitted by electronic devices within 3 feet are the strongest, and the power of the electromagnetic waves will drop to 1/4 for every 3 feet of distance, so if you are more than 3 feet away from the device, it affects Your body will drop significantly, of course the farther the better. I tested the electromagnetic wave value of Spooky2-XM machine, if it is 1700V/m next to it, and the value is 2V/m two feet away, as shown in the figure below, so the safe distance of Spooky2-XM is 2 feet away, I estimate Spooky2- X and -Central should be safe from 3 to 6 feet away.

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