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Explain “Crystal Healing“ with Frequency Resonance Theory

With millions of years to form under the earth, each crystal has a unique frequency and energy field (resonance). In the law of resonance, it states that when two objects sharing a resonant frequency are placed next to each other, their vibratory frequencies will increase. Therefore, crystals are capable of attracting the energies you wish. As a result, they may amplify resonant energy, relieve your physical pain and enhance your mental states.

Not only do crystals have frequencies, but each part of our body also has a natural resonant frequency as well. Over time, these frequencies might become sluggish due to the deterioration of your body functions. When there is a blockage in our energetic field, it will be out of balance. The level of metabolism slows down, and the body structure becomes less active. It is less capable of removing chemical waste, causing a further build-up of toxins in the same area. As a result, it will cause diseases and chronic illnesses.

Based on the theory of Frequency Resonance Healing from Healy and Spooky2’s Rife provide the cutting edge of natural therapies. It will benefits you by providing relief from pain and discomfort, decreasing negative emotions, improving quality of sleep, and treating acute and chronic diseases. Working together with crystals stones, they can help to restore the healthy vibratory frequencies of the cells in our bodies, amplify our frequency energy, and meditate us on the mental and physical level. Crystal healing can be used with traditional medicines to heal people and has zero side effects. They act like tuning forks that help to bring harmony and stable power to the unbalanced energy field of the human body.

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