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How Spooky2 Frequency Treats Too Many Toxins in Your Body

Sometimes you don’t feel well, but can’t figure out why you’re having these symptoms, and your doctor says you’re fine, it could be that you have too much toxin in your body. Toxins are a type of poison that can harm your body, and luckily, if you detox your body, these symptoms can be relieved or gone. Here are 9 signs that many toxins are building up in your body.

  1. Persistent Fatigue – If you’re tired all day, not getting a good night’s sleep isn’t a problem, it’s because your body is trying to get rid of toxins. It is common for you to have a feeling of fatigue. Another reason could be hormonal disturbances that cause problems with the immune system. So drinking more coffee won’t help and can even make the problem worse.
  2. Acne – Under the influence of various toxins, bacteria produce many toxic substances in our body, which can enter the blood circulation and circulate throughout the body. Our bodies can certainly eliminate a lot, but sometimes when the excretion is blocked, some of these substances are excreted through our skin, resulting in rough skin or acne. At the same time, lack of trace elements, mental stress, high-fat or high-carbohydrate diet can also lead to acne. Therefore, we must pay attention to both external personal hygiene and internal cleanliness.
  3. Itchy skin – If our body organs can’t process all the toxins, our skin will eliminate excess toxins through the process of perspiration or sweating. Sometimes, the pores of the skin can become clogged with toxins, which can lead to many allergic reactions such as itching. External stimuli, irregular life, stress, and endocrine disorders can reduce this ability of our skin, resulting in itchy skin.
  4. Bad breath – Some people can’t get rid of bad breath even after brushing their teeth day and night. Bacteria in the mouth release some by-products that cause bad breath. It can also indicate that you have a lot of toxins in your body and your liver and colon are having some difficulty eliminating them.
  5. Constipation – The gut removes waste from our body every day. If we are constipated, toxins are stored and absorbed back into our bloodstream, allowing them to further poison our body. Constipation can lead to many ailments, such as upset stomach, headaches and tiredness. It is also a hallmark of many toxins in our body.
  6. Insomnia – If you’re overwhelmed by toxins, your body can feel stressed out, which can cause your cortisol levels to go out of balance. Cortisol is a hormone that helps you cope with stress. If it’s out of balance, you may feel energized at night and have trouble falling asleep. So it is very important to sleep on time, it is recommended to sleep 7 to 9 hours a day.
  7. Smell Sensitivity – If you have a strong reaction to different smells, you may be overloaded with toxic substances, due to the fact that your liver is not detoxifying effectively, and the reaction may be headaches and nausea.
  8. Muscle soreness – If you have muscle soreness and you didn’t exercise yesterday, it’s possible that toxins are irritating your muscles and joints.
  9. Stubborn weight gain – Even though you’re exercising every day and eating a low-calorie diet, you’re still gaining weight, possibly due to toxin overload. Many toxins are lipophilic, so they can be stored in body fat, another reason could be hormonal issues. Interestingly, our hormonal function can be greatly affected by external toxins, both of which suggest that you’ll never lose weight easily.

Body Detoxification Methods :

  1. Stay hydrated – Drinking enough water is a natural and fundamental way of detoxing your body. Water flushes away the chemicals you’re exposed to and also keeps you hydrated.
  2. High-Fiber Diet – Fiber-rich foods add bulk to stools, and by softening them, fiber allows them to pass through your digestive system efficiently. Fiber aids in the digestion of food and also helps the body detoxify.
  3. Manage stress – Stress increases toxin levels and reduces the liver’s ability to eliminate toxins. Practicing some meditation and yoga is recommended to relax and strengthen the immune system.
  4. Organic – Choosing organic foods will reduce the presence of fertilizers and pesticides used for commercial gain. And green vegetables and most fruits stimulate digestion and detoxification.
  5. Exercise – Do a variety of activities such as running, swimming, and exercise for at least an hour a day to keep your blood circulation healthy. Turn your body into a detox machine. Or you can go out for a walk occasionally. In general, participating in regular exercise will help keep you in shape and keep your body safe from toxicity.
  6. Frequency Healing and Detoxification – Frequency is used to rebuild/stimulate original and natural bodily functions, the frequency spectrum works in a similar way to healing with herbs and minerals or energy, sound and color. Over the last century, scientific research has demonstrated surprising results on the effects of frequency and electromagnetic pulses on restoring bodily systems.

The Spooky2 Terrain Protocol uses vibrational frequencies to detoxify your body, this protocol helps you remove parasite death, mercury, chemicals from your systemic system including your liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, blood, lymph and intestines, etc. Substances, heavy metals and other systemic toxins, it will also support your organs and maintain your body systems. The quantum technology applied in Spooky Remote gives you the freedom to do anything while running your program, so you are not tied to any machine.

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