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Introduction of the Usage of Colloidal Silver

History of Colloidal Silver

Before modern antibiotics were developed, colloidal silver was used as an all-purpose remedy for various infections and illnesses. Actually, silver can kill microorganisms by binding to their cells, without necessarily damaging human cells. Researchers are still looking into the mechanisms behind silver’s antimicrobial properties. Colloidal silver is claimed to have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. However, there is no evidence Trusted Source colloidal silver has antimicrobial properties.

What is Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is the term used to describe tiny particles of silver suspended in a liquid. Given their small size, a normal filtering process would not remove them. The size of the silver particles in colloidal silver can vary, but some are so tiny that they are referred to as “nanoparticles.” This means that they are less than 100 nm in size and invisible to the naked eye.

It’s thought that the effects of colloidal silver vary depending on the size and shape of the particles of silver, as well as their concentration in a solution. A large number of small particles has a greater surface area than a lower number of large particles. As a result, a solution that contains more silver nanoparticles, which have a smaller particle size, may release more silver ions. Silver ions are released from the silver particles when they come into contact with moisture, such as body fluids. They are considered to be the “biologically active” part of colloidal silver that gives it its medicinal properties.

Usage and Risk of Colloidal Silver

Recently, someone claim that colloidal silver can replace antibiotics or other medical therapies to treat bacterial, viral and fungal infections. A smaller number of people even claim it can help treat illnesses such as cancer, Lyme disease, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDs. Those who use colloidal silver take it as a dietary supplement or apply it directly to their skin. However, there is no medical professional prove.

in 1999Trusted Source (and again 10 years later), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a press release stating that there was no evidence to suggest a clear health benefit for colloidal silver. Rather, there’s evidence of some risks associated with using colloidal silver.

The use of silver taken by mouth can’t be recommended. Over time, colloidal silver can build up in the tissues of your body and give your mucous membranes and skin a grayish appearance. This is a symptom of a condition called argyria. Agyria isn ‘t reversible. Argyria by itself isn’t dangerous, and is defined as being “medically benign.” Of course, any skin discoloration isn’t exactly a welcome side effect.

Colloidal silver also interferes with your body’s absorption Trusted Source of certain drugs. These include antibiotics and thyroid deficiency. If you’re prescribed an antibiotic for a bacterial infection, taking colloidal silver might prevent that prescription from working effectively. That means taking silver would actually keep you feeling sick for longer.

Pregnant women who try colloidal silver as an alternative to some cold and flu drugs should keep in mind that no trial has ever proven colloidal silver to be safe for a developing baby. When things aren’t proven safe, they can’t be recommended for use.

How to Home-make Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver’s most common commercial form is as a liquid tincture. Most health food stores carry it. It can also be bought as a powder to apply to your skin. Some people even make their own colloidal silver at home, using a special machine, such as spooky2 device with colloidal silver kit set as below. Feel free to learn how to make it yourselves as video show.


Colloidal silver is often touted as an antibacterial agent and a topical wound dressing. Some people claim it can cure a cold faster, heal the body better, and even treat cancer or HIV, but there is no trust source to prove it. To use colloidal silver solution safe, you can apply silver-containing ointments to the skin, but not recommend to drink. Health claims of topical silver include:

• antimicrobial properties

• help in healing skin wounds

• possible treatment for acne

• aid in conjunctivitis treatment in newborns

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