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How to open the seven chakras

Information source:

Chakra Meditation: Use fingerprints and sounds to turn on inactive chakras


The chakra is on the central axis of the body
These chakra meditations use handprints (special gestures) to turn on the chakras. These fingerprints have special powers to channel energy into specific chakras.
To strengthen these effects, certain tunes must be coordinated. These sounds are derived from ancient Indian script. When you sing, these sounds will resonate with your body, and you will feel the chakra corresponding to that sound.

The way of sound, mainly remember:
“A” is pronounced “ah”,
“M” is pronounced “mng”.

Breathe 7-10 times during meditation and make several sounds during each breath (for example 3 times).

See the following ways to open a specific chakra.

. Open Root Chakra

Touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your index finger and focus on the position of the submarine wheel.
The sea wheel is located in the perineum between the genitals and the anus.
Sing “LAM” tones.


. Open Sacral Chakra

Place your palm on your lap, palm facing up, left palm down, right palm up, overlapping. The left palm touches the finger of the right hand. The thumbs of both hands touch lightly.
Focus your attention on the position of the ego. Located at the tail of the lu (the lower end of the spine).
Sing “VAM” tones.


. Open Navel Chakra

Place your palm under the front of your stomach. Keep the fingers of both hands at the top, all pointing out. Thumbs interlaced. Note that the fingers must be straight.
Focus on the position of the umbilical chakra in the spine.
Sing “RAM” tones.


. Open Heart Chakra

Sit cross-legged with your index finger and thumb tip touching. Place your left palm on your left knee and your right hand under your chest, but above your stomach.
Focus on the heart chakra of the spine, the same height as the heart.
Singing “YAM” tone (because this handprint is particularly effective, it may be felt without singing).


. Open Throat Chakra

Cross the fingers in the palm of your hand and gently touch the thumbs of your hands above.
And gently lift the thumb. Focus on the larynx, which is located at the bottom of the throat.
Sing the “HAM” tone.


. Open Third Eye Chakra

Place your palm under your chest. The middle finger straightens forward and touches the tip of both middle fingers. The other fingers were bent towards you, and bent at the second knuckle of the fingertips, and touched two by two. Two thumbs touch and point to themselves.
Focus your attention on the three-eye chakra, which is above the eyebrows of both eyes.
Sing “OM” or “AUM” intonation.


. Open Crown Chakra


Place your palm in front of your abdomen. Touch your ring finger up. The other fingers are interlaced with each other, with the left thumb under the right thumb.
Focus your attention on the top wheel, which is located at the top of the head.
Sing “NG” tones.
Note: If you have not established enough energy for the underwater chakra, do not do meditation to open the top chakra (you must have a good foundation before performing this step)must have a good foundation before performing this step)

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