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Orgone Energy for Frequency Healing

Orgone Energy is a concept proposed by Austrian psychoanalyst and scientist Wilhelm Reich in the early 20th century. He proposed that there is a universal life force or energy, which he called “orgone”. Reich believed that organic energy pervades the universe and is present in all living organisms, including humans. The word “orgone” is derived from the word “orgasm” because Reich believed that sexual energy plays an important role in the generation and accumulation of this energy. According to his theory, healthy and balanced people have excess organic energy, while disease and mood disorders are associated with blockage or deficiency of organic energy.

For frequency healing, proponents of organ energy believe that channeling and manipulating this energy can produce various healing effects. This is usually done using devices called Augenic accumulators, which are usually made of alternating layers of organic (such as wood or cotton) and inorganic (such as metal) materials, and the Augen energy and its stored The purported benefits of the Energizer include:

  • Enhances well-being: Exposure to organ energy is believed to promote physical and emotional health, relieve stress, and improve mood.
  • Energy Balance: Organ energy is believed to help balance the body’s energy fields and chakras, promoting harmony and vitality.
  • Healing Support: Some proponents believe that organ energy can aid the body’s natural healing process and boost the immune system.
  • EMF Protection: Orgen accumulators are also said to be able to neutralize or mitigate the effects of electromagnetic radiation from electronic equipment.

Organ energy and its accumulators are suitable for Reiki healing, crystal therapy, chakra balancing, energy purification, crystal charging, meditation and other spiritual work, its power can help you unblock your chakras, balance your aura, and protect you from anxiety and negativity Influence. It is worth noting that the concept of organ energy and its applications, including frequency healing, is highly controversial and has not been scientifically proven or widely accepted by the mainstream scientific community, and there is a lack of support for the existence of orogen energy or the use of orogen accumulators for Empirical evidence of efficacy for therapeutic purposes. As with any alternative healing modality, it is crucial to approach the use of organ energy and organ accumulators with a critical mind and it is important to consult a qualified Healthcare professionals and practitioners to ensure your safety and health.

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