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Pharmacological Insights of Homologous Therapies

The pharmacological reaction after using Belladonna is skin redness, dryness, uncontrollable mood or crazy. When we prescribe the same type of therapy to the patient (remember that the same type of therapy is prescribed and there is no substance, but it still has its own special features Shape), the receptor in the patient’s body will be combined with its body to inform the brain that Belladonna enters the body, and the brain will issue messages to fight Belladonna, and then initiate anti-redness, anti-dryness, and anti-crazy reactions. In other words, we just let the brain fall into a trap of shape. From the research, we clearly know that a small amount of the same type of therapy will produce a reaction that is opposite or reverse to the original substance. For example, it is found that the venom of a rattlesnake can agglutinate the blood, but the venom after multiple dilutions has the opposite reaction and is not easy to agglutinate. They also found that toxic substances in very small amounts can produce the opposite reaction. For example, anesthetics can try to anesthetize people when used in large quantities, and a small amount can excite the human nervous system; the venom of blue-tailed octopus can cause blood cancer, but after multiple dilutions The venom can treat blood cancer patients.

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