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Precautions for Using Spooky2 DNA Frequency Program

What makes Spooky2’s genome database and presets superior to other sources of DNA frequency, here are some reasons:

• The genome strand acts as a helical antenna, and the helical antenna frequency is calculated using the radial length, therefore, the radial length is used in our formula.

• Genomic strands are constantly moving, expanding and contracting like a spring, and unlike linear lengths, radial lengths remain the same. • Use the correct dielectric constant value.

• Considers significant structural differences between DNA, RNA and mRNA.

• Calculate fundamental frequencies to enable people to use their frequency equipment to the fullest potential.

• Viruses and other pathogens are constantly mutating, and the Spooky2 DNA database is regularly updated to capture new strains and ignore genomic strains that are extinct and no longer related.

• Spooky2 DNA database and presets are free.

• Spooky2 DNA frequencies can be used on any device, they are not machine specific.

• Spooky2 DNA frequencies are collected from multiple sources and updated regularly to capture viral mutations and genome corrections.

• Spooky2 software calculates frequency on the fly for extremely precise accuracy and maximum resolution.

Disclaimer: Spooky2 DNA frequencies are not approved for use by any government or medical agency or testing service, no medical claims are made or implied by the Spooky2 team, it is recommended that you always consult your doctor or other if you have or think you may have a medical condition Healthcare Professionals.

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