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Principles of Frequency Resonance Healing

How does frequency resonance work?

Nicola Tesla said that if you want to understand the universe, then please consider energy, frequency and vibration. Everything has a vibration frequency, called resonance frequency. To explain this theory simply and practically, you can use the metaphor of an opera singer who smashes crystal glass with his own voice, the glass vibrates at a certain frequency, and when the opera singer sings at that specific frequency, the glass will break . Similarly, each microorganism (fungus, bacteria, virus, parasite, amoeba, mold, etc.) has a unique specific frequency (or vibration frequency), and when you add more signals of the same frequency to the microorganism, it cannot stand it. It will rupture or die. The resonance wave generated by the resonance resonator can destroy harmful bacteria without causing harm to the user.

Is there any risk to people using frequency resonance therapy?

Frequency resonance is aimed at viruses and microorganisms, and the response of normal human cells to frequencies is much higher than the frequency produced by resonance therapy, so it will not resonate with the frequency of resonance therapy. Many researchers in resonance therapy have been exposed to this frequency for many years without any obvious adverse effects, and the researchers’ life span is longer than the average life span of their peers. Another point is that the frequency of resonance therapy is even lower than the frequency of radio waves emitted by mobile phones. With the development of technology, there are more and more electronic devices in our daily lives. The low-frequency radiation generated by these electronic devices will also affect humans. Therefore, people do not need to worry about the frequency of resonance therapy causing harm to the human body.

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