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Relationship between “Quantum Entanglement” and “iChing”

The problem of “telepathy” in the folks, the problem of “everything enters each other” in Buddhism, the point distribution of “Fuxi and Nuwa”, “Hetu, Luoshu”, iChing, etc. Entanglement” related? iChing is the ancient Chinese culture. For example, in the “Miscellaneous Gua Zhuan” 《雜卦傳》 , it says: “Xian Shu Ye” ( 咸速也 ). Xian ( 咸 ) is induction, the sense of no “heart”. It is an objective rather than subjective sense, communicating with each other in an instant. So say speed. Why does the “Xian” hexagram represent “speed”? First of all, let’s look at the hexagram image of the “Xian” hexagram. The hexagram of “Xian” is composed of two classic hexagrams: Dui☱ and Gen☶. Upward and lower Gen☶, the horizontal row is: Xian ¦|||¦¦, its yin and yang expression is: yin, yang, yang, yin and yin, and the digital expression is : 011100. If “0” and “1” are respectively regarded as “negative and positive charge” quantum, the expression is: “negative positive positive positive negative”. The two hexagrams of Dui☱ and Gen☶ are “wrong hexagrams” with each other, and yin and yang are intertwined. It means that the position is the same and the goal is the same, but because the perspective of the problem is different, the perception is different. If the yin and yang lines in the “Xian” hexagram are regarded as “quantum”, then “quantum entanglement” is actually “yin and yang entanglement”, which is the entanglement of the two substances or energy of yin and yang; if the “Xian” hexagram The number in the numerical expression is regarded as “quantum”, then “quantum entanglement” is actually “digital entanglement”. At the same time, the arrangement and entanglement of hexagrams and six lines like “Xian” (¦|||¦¦) are the fastest. In this regard, quantum scientists should think deeply and consider preparing the quantum entangled state by comparing the yin and yang arrangement of the hexagram in “Xian”. Secondly, let’s look at the hexagram and line of the “Xian” hexagram. The hexagram of the hexagram is: “Xian: Henry, Lizhen, take the female auspicious.” The line of each line is: “The sixth day: Xian Qi’s thumb. 62: Xianqifei, fierce. Juji. Ninety three: Xianqi shares, clinging to him, and stingy. Nine-four: Zhenji. Regret for death, lingering contact, friends from Ersi. Ninth Five: Xianqihui, no regrets. Six: Xian Qi Fu, Cheek, Tongue.” From these hexagrams and yao, we can see that the Xian (¦|||¦¦) hexagram has diverse inductions, including “Xian Qi Thumb” and “Xian Qi Fei” , “Xianqigu”, “Xianqihui”, “Xianqifu, cheek, tongue” and so on. From the perspective of “quantum entanglement,” this is exactly the description of the “many-body entangled state” that has not yet been truly resolved. In this regard, scientists should not only focus on one-to-one “quantum entanglement” studies, but also consider “one-to-many” and “many-to-many” multi-body entanglement studies. Not only should one highway be built, but also many highway.

“The iChing • Zhongfu • Ninety Two” 《周易·中孚·九二》 says: “The crane is in the yin, and its son is in harmony with him. I have a good prince, and I and you are magnificent.” It means: “Crane sings in the shade of the tree, and the small crane should make peace; I There is good wine, I will share it with you.” This shows that everything has a feeling in the dark. Confucius extended this line of words in the “Xi Ci Zhuan” 《繫辭傳》 : “A gentleman lives in his room and speaks what he says. Good will respond thousands of miles away. If you live in his own room, he will speak out. If you are not good, you will be thousands of miles away. If you violate it outside, what is the next person? Words come from the body and add to the people; behaviors are near, see far; words and deeds are the hub of the gentleman, the cardinal’s hair, the Lord of honor and disgrace. Words and deeds, the reason why a gentleman moves the world Also, be careless.” It means: “What a gentleman says in his private room, if it is a good remark, will move and resonate thousands of miles away, not to mention those close to you? The opposite? , If it is an improper speech, it will cause people’s rebuttal if it is thousands of miles away, let alone those close to you? The speech comes from one’s own mouth, and it affects the people; the behavior happens close and far away To a gentleman, speech and behavior are like the axis of a door, the trigger of an arrow, the axis of a door and the trigger. Once activated, they already dominate honor or shame. The words and behavior of a gentleman are enough to shake the world, how Can you not be cautious?” Why can the son of “crowing cranes in the yin” be “harmonious”? Why can “response” thousands of miles away? Why is it possible to “see far away” while “progress is near”? Is this a “quantum entanglement” phenomenon? The theory of “quantum entanglement” tells us that when people operate and measure one quantum in a pair of entangled quantum, no matter how far apart, the other quantum is also operated and measured at the same time. far”?

The “Historical Biography” 《繫辭傳》 says: “Only gods, so they don’t have to be quick, they can’t do it.”, “Life is easy…Yin and yang is a god.” Unexpected. What is God? From the previous two sentences, it can be seen that “God” is actually two elements of Yin and Yang, which are “unmeasurable” elements. “Unmeasurable” means that yin and yang have no volume, no distance, and no dimension. Just as 9 and 6 in astronomical numbers, there are 6 in 9, 9 in 6, 9 is inverted to 6, and 6 is inverted to 9, 9 and 6 themselves are one. In the Book of Changes, 9 represents yang and 6 represents yin, which shows that “yin and yang” themselves are also one. Regarding this point, we can understand from the “Tai Chi Diagram”. The two yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi picture are tightly hug each other, and they are inseparable. And there is a black dot in the white fish representing “Yang”, and there is a white dot in the black fish representing “Yin”. Its connotation is “Yin in Yang, and Yang in Yin.” If we understand it from the perspective of “quantum entanglement”, This should be an “entanglement state.”

Although “quantum entanglement” is a new term and concept in modern physics, its connotation and mechanism have long been involved in the ancient “I Ching”. The philosophical view of the iChing believes that the universe is an indivisible whole and advocates “the unity of man and nature.” The “dots” in “Hetu” 《河圖》 and “Luoshu” 《洛書》 may be “quantum” or “particles”; the “ya” in the gossip symbol may be a variation of “quantum”; the “dots” in the evolution of Taiji diagrams may be It is the original “quantum”; the “yin and yang” elements may be “quantum” with positive and negative charges; ten “astronomical numbers” (012356789) may be “quantums” in the form of numbers; stars in the universe are also It may be a macroscopic “quantum.” Quantum mechanics studies the phenomenon of “quantum entanglement” from the perspective of physics, while Yixue studies “quantum entanglement” from the perspective of traditional culture and Chinese studies; quantum mechanics studies “quantum entanglement” from the quantum and particle level, and Yixue studies “quantum entanglement” from the perspective of yin and yang, the five elements, and the number phase. Level research. Quantum mechanics has its own rigorous theoretical system for “quantum entanglement”, and Yi Xue also has a unique theoretical framework for “quantum entanglement.” The I Ching culture is closely related to “quantum entanglement”. Yin and yang entanglement, 69 entanglement, and number phase entanglement in the I Ching should be an ancient “quantum entanglement” thought. The theoretical source of “quantum entanglement” may be in the “I Ching” If we can integrate these two theories, we will be able to complement each other by reference.

[Keywords] I Ching culture; quantum entanglement; yin-yang entanglement; 69 entanglement; four-five entanglement; 1-one entanglement; number phase entanglement

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