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Relieve Anxiety with Spooky2

Everyone experiences some form of anxiety from time to time, however, unlike anxiety disorders, anxiety often involves the body’s natural fight-or-flight response, which occurs when you’re stressed or faced with a challenge, such as when you’re Before a job interview or important appointment, many people see anxiety as a motivation for problem-solving, rather than a negative emotion, because it can help you stay focused and be more productive.

Anxiety disorders, on the other hand, involve more than just temporary worrying or panic attacks. Anxiety disorders include the most common psychological disorders in children and adolescents, and they often occur in conjunction with other mental or physical disorders, such as depression. People with anxiety disorders feel anxious all the time, and their symptoms can get worse over time. Some common anxiety disorders are generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorders include a range of symptoms. Your stomach may feel uncomfortable, your heart rate will increase, you may feel short of breath, and your body may become hot and sweaty, or cold and wet, these symptoms are usually Short but intense. Other symptoms include:

  • Excessive fear or worry.
  • Always preparing for the worst.
  • Difficulty concentrating on tasks.
  • have sleep problems, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep, dizziness.
  • A pounding heart.

Tips for staying away from anxiety include:

  • Try to think positively.
  • Maintain a good sleep pattern.
  • Talk to someone about your anxiety.
  • Control your alcohol intake.
  • balanced diet.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Practice meditation or yoga in your daily life, or find some activities you enjoy.

Relieve Anxiety with Spooky2

You can search for presets or programs about depression from the spooky2 database, try focusing on the frequency of energy, relaxation and balance, here are the recommended presets and program to define by yourself.

On the Spooky2 remote, you can search for the following frequencies, run them 24/7 and see the results:

  • Endorphins for Depression: Mix the frequency of endorphin release, depression, and chakra crown (about 2 hours each, then cycle).
  • Energy Vitality: Frequency of mixing energy, vitality, kundalini, adrenal gland balance, minerals and planet mars (each time about 1:15 hours, then loop).
  • Schumann resonator
  • Kundalini
  • Calming, Agitation, Anxiety and Anxiety 1
  • Depression Anxiety Trembling Weakness

For Spooky2 plasma devices, the following frequencies can be searched:

  • Feel Good: a mix of emotional balance, rose, feel good overall, serotonin, and gamma brainwave (45 mins several times a week if I can manage it).
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