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Spooky2 Frequency Healing for Acne

Acne (colloquially known as “youth bean”) is one of the most common skin conditions, mostly on the cheeks and forehead, followed by seborrhea on the chest, back and shoulders. Lesions start as whiteheads or blackheads, and as the disease progresses, they can develop into various types, common types are: whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules, cysts, and more.

There is no age difference in the onset of acne, but it usually occurs when hormonal levels change before puberty; however, it is also common in adults and is often associated with hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Although acne is not life-threatening, severe acne symptoms can have a significant psychological impact on the patient and affect the patient’s skin health; the more prominent harm is the damage to the patient’s appearance, work, and life. It can last for years and is known to have severe psychosocial effects, such as decreased self-esteem, depression, depression, and social withdrawal.

The causes of acne are complex, mainly related to androgen, increased sebum secretion, abnormal keratinization of pilosebaceous ducts, proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes, and genetics. In some patients, it has also been linked to genetics, immunity, cosmetic use, dietary stimulation, and hormonal imbalances, as evidenced by acne familial clusters, acne breakouts, or menstrual cycle-related acne.

How to Get rid of acne with Spooky2

Spooky2 can effectively relieve your acne problems, get rid of pain and itching on the skin and more. Details Take the Plasma mode as an example, use the DNA preset Acne (DNA) (P) – JW, Go to the Presets tab, click > DNA > Diseases > Plasma > Acne (DNA) (P) – JW, now Go to the Control tab and tick “Overwrite Generator”, select your generator port, then click the “Start” button to start, and run this preset for as long as possible. We also recommend to run the Detox program in remote mode, first go to the Presets tab, click > Detox > Remote, and select the preset you want based on Notes (if you don’t know which to choose, Detox Maintenance (R)–JK), now go to the Controls tab, tick the Override Builder checkbox and click the pink/red Builder button to run the detox preset.

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