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Spooky2 Frequency Healing for Hives, Urticaria or Eczema

Hives, urticaria or eczema are common skin problems that can cause skin irritation and pain, as well as being unable to stop scratching these itchy areas, in addition to these physical pains, there is also the embarrassment of exposing one’s skin, which It always attracts unwanted attention from others. Doctors usually prescribe oral steroids, 10 mg/day, to make you recover from your skin problems, but this is a temporary solution rather than a cure, and it is easy to relapse. In addition to steroids, the Spooky2 rife device also provides frequency healing for eczema, the following are the Spooky2 frequency healing operations suggestion :

  • Remote Terrain Detox (preferably run firstly for a week).
  • Run a BFB scan, run (r) Killing – JW with the scan results to kill parasites, then run a detox program.
  • Run BFB Grade scan for parasites, scabies programs, run (r) Killing – JW with scan results to kill parasites, then run detox program.
  • Run the Daily Wellness Preset program.
  • Run the (C) Anthony Holland 11th harmonic ((r) Killing – JK – (11th harmonic) + Leish + scabies) program.
  • Run (c) ECZEMA JK program.
  • Run (c) Zapper program – hand cylinders + wet towel, High Power port.

If you have similar skin problems, you are welcome to try the above Spooky2 frequency method, and you can also try soaking in salt water 3 times a week at the same time. Hope it works!

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