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Spooky2 Frequency Healing for Relief of Lumbar Strain

A major contributor to lumbar or lumbosacral pain and soreness is lumbar strain, a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs when the muscles and ligaments in your lower back tear from their attachments. In addition to the overuse of the waist in manual workers and athletes, there are other possible causes, such as the following :

  • Sudden waist injury
  • Untimely or inappropriate treatment
  • related to climatic and environmental conditions

Symptoms of a lumbar spine strain include mild to extreme discomfort or pain in the lower area, especially after putting pressure on the tissues of the lumbar spine. The following are the most common symptoms of a lumbar spine strain :

  • localized lower back pain
  • Sudden muscle spasms in the lower back
  • Soreness when touching your lower back
  • difficulty standing or walking
  • Unable to bend over for a long time

To naturally prevent or control lumbar spine strain is a short rest after a slight lumbar spine strain will disappear. Ice packs and anti-inflammatory medications may also relieve pain from a lumbar strain. But if none of these methods work, be sure to seek medical attention immediately. The following are natural remedies for lumbar strain relief :

1. Avoid overwork and rest in time – the waist is the hub of various activities of the human body, overwork will inevitably lead to waist injury and lead to waist strain. Fortunately, most lumbar spine strains can be effectively relieved by taking a period of rest, so keep work and rest in each job.

2. Correct bad posture – Bad posture keeps the fibers and muscles of the lower back tight and puts undue pressure on the lower back constantly, such as bending over or sitting for long periods of time.

3. Exercise – Regular exercise can strengthen the lumbar muscles and prevent the occurrence of lumbar strain. These exercise programs for the lower back may include stretching exercises, back strengthening exercises and some low-intensity aerobic exercise.

4. Cold or warm compresses – Use cold compresses for the first few days to relieve pain and swelling, then switch to a heating pad to promote blood flow and relieve muscle tension, 15-20 minutes at a time, several times a day.

5. Lumbar Strain Relief with Spooky2 – Frequency therapy is an alternative treatment without any side effects and is a good choice if you intend to relieve lumbar strain naturally. Spooky2 offers a variety of lumbar strain relief modes, you can choose the one that best suits your situation. For lumbar strain we recommend using PEMF mode, first, go to the “Preset” tab and select “Shell (Empty) Preset > Coil (Generator Direct) – JW > Heal (R) – JW ( Shell ( Empty) Presets > Spooky Coil (Generator Direct) – JW > Healing (R) – JW ). Then, go to the “Program” tab and search for the keywords “muscle” and “pain” to find related Programs, and double-click the program you want. Programs for lumbar strain relief include: Pain Relief and Muscles to Relax. You can also add some other programs to this preset if you want in. Go to the Control tab, tick “Overwrite”, select your generator port, and click the “start” button to get started.

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