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Spooky2 Frequency Healing of vitamin B1 loading

Vitamin B1 belongs to the vitamin B complex and plays a vital role in the human nutritional system. It maintains a healthy nervous system, helps convert carbohydrates into glucose, eliminates fat, and improves bodily functions. Additionally, vitamin B1 fights stress and provides a sense of relaxation. On the other hand, vitamin B1 can improve health such as headaches, fatigue, irritability and depression.

The richest sources of vitamin B1 are yeast and liver, pork, grains, beans, mushrooms, tuna and eggplant…etc. Foods already provide enough vitamin B1 to meet our daily needs, but remember that overcooking destroys the vitamin B1.

Health Benefits of Vitamin B1

  • Boosts energy production: When sugar is mixed with vitamin B1, it is converted into energy for your body to use. Vitamin B1 helps speed up this process while supporting other enzymes.
  • Develop myelin sheath (Myelin Sheaths): Myelin sheath is responsible for the normal development of nerves, and vitamin B1 can maintain the normal development of myelin sheath, thereby keeping nerves healthy and active.
  • Production of red blood cells: Vitamin B1 is very efficient at producing red blood cells, keeping our bodies healthy and vibrant.
  • Ensures heart function: Vitamin B1 can ensure proper heart function by helping to produce a substance called the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is responsible for proper connections between nerves and muscles, a lack of vitamin B1 can lead to irregular heart function and even fatal.
  • Good for Diabetes: Studies have shown that high blood sugar and insulin levels improved after 6 weeks of taking vitamin B1, and vitamin B1 also helps reduce high blood pressure and heart complications in people with diabetes.
  • Cataract Prevention: Vitamin B1 helps prevent cataracts because it protects our eyes.
  • Helps Fight Depression: Vitamin B1 supplements can be beneficial for depression by stabilizing mood while relieving symptoms faster, and vitamin B1 deficiency has also been linked to low mood.

Frequency of Vitamin B1 Loading with Spooky2

Spooky2 has added the frequency of vitamin B1 to the database, allowing you to experience the benefits of this vitamin in a convenient way, you can find the frequency by searching for “vitamin” in the presets tab, then in the control tab Click and run it.

Meanwhile, Vitamin B1 is easy to expel through urine, and therefore maintaining a well-balanced diet is suggested. Try to take it slow at the beginning. If you think you have overdone it, you can also run the Drugs Adverse Effect program to get rid of the side effect of the frequency.

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