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Spooky2 Frequency Healing to Scoliosis

Scoliosis is an “S” or “C” shape of the spine, with uneven shoulders when noticeable Most develop during adolescence. Mild scoliosis generally does not affect our daily life, but when it develops to a severe stage, treatment is necessary, because severe scoliosis can even cause breathing and movement difficulties. Its symptoms include the following:

  • significantly curved spine
  • uneven shoulders
  • uneven hip, arm, or leg length
  • Leaning the whole body to one side
  • Ribs of different heights
  • slow neural activity
  • Most people with scoliosis may have back pain.
  • When twisting the torso, you will face limited mobility and tightening of body organs such as the stomach and intestines, which further leads to constipation.
  • Idiopathic scoliosis may even affect the lungs.

The cause of most scoliosis cases is unknown, and possible factors are environmental and genetic. The causes of scoliosis can be divided into three categories:

  1. Idiopathic scoliosis, which accounts for about 80 percent of all cases, cannot be prevented and is not considered a consequence of poor posture, exercise, or diet. The reason for this is unclear.
  2. Congenital scoliosis is present from birth and is caused by spinal bones that do not form properly in the womb and can occur anywhere on the spine.
  3. Neuromuscular scoliosis, which usually progresses faster than others, is considered an underlying neurological or muscular disorder, such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, and spina bifida.

Suggested treatments for scoliosis include the following:

  • Observation – Many children with scoliosis may not need treatment as the curve may improve as the child grows, however, if you are concerned about the risk of the curve getting worse, it is best to try every four months (for children) and every five years ( adults) have a regular check-up.
  • Braces – braces are only effective for skeletal immature patients, older children can wear braces to prevent curves from worsening as they grow, braces should be checked regularly to ensure they always fit perfectly, for best results, These patients need to wear the brace for 16 to 23 hours a day until the bone stops growing.
  • Surgery – Generally, surgery is recommended when the spine is more than 40 degrees curved and there is a possibility of deterioration, however, these procedures take a long time to recover and may have side effects such as jointing of discs, joints and ligaments inflammation.
  • Alternative Therapy – Frequency treatment with Spooky2 is an alternative therapy with no side effects and is a good option if you intend to improve your scoliosis naturally. Spooky2 has the world’s largest frequency database with over 35,000 programs dedicated to providing you with accurate and beneficial frequencies to address imbalanced energy and pain. When relieving scoliosis symptoms, you can use appropriate frequency programs and patterns to improve your bone health and help relieve symptoms.

For example, to operate Spooky2’s remote mode, go to the “Presets” tab, then select “Shell (Empty) Presets > Remote > Healing (R) – JW) “, go to the “Program” tab, search for “scoliosis”, then select the program you want, and finally, go to the “Control” tab, select your generator port, tick “Overwrite” and click the “Start” button to get started.

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