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Spooky2 Scalar Frequency Healing for Cold

The cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract that affects your nose, throat, sinuses, and larynx. It is the most common and common infectious disease in humans. The symptoms of a cold are a runny or stuffy nose, headache, cough, loss of smell or taste, and make your day miserable. Although most people recover from a cold in about 7 to 10 days, reducing the severity of symptoms is key to staying comfortable while the virus spreads.

If you prefer natural remedies to taking common medicines, Scalar Energy is the way to go. Scalar energy is known for its profound healing energy that can help reduce inflammation, maintain optimal energy levels in the body, prevent age-related diseases, slow the aging process, and more.

Causes of colds

  • Virus: A nuisance virus spreads through the air during close contact with an infected person, or indirectly through contact with objects in the environment, and then spreads to the mouth or nose.
  • Weather: While colds are now known to be viral infections, epidemics of many viruses are indeed seasonal, occurring more frequently in colder weather.
  • Other: Other risk factors include poor sleep, psychological stress, etc.

cold symptoms

  • Nasal symptoms include: congestion, sinus pressure, runny nose, loss of smell or taste, sneezing
  • Head symptoms include: watery eyes, headache, sore throat, cough, swollen lymph nodes
  • Systemic symptoms include: Fatigue or general tiredness, chills, chest and body aches, low-grade fever, trouble breathing deeply.

How to Use Spooky2 Scalar for Cold Relief

Spooky2 Scalar is the first Scalar Healing device to offer three different methods of delivering healing scalar waves: Pure Scalar, Molecular Scalar and Spooky2 (Rife) Scalar. A scalar field is produced only when the two units, the transmitter and the receiver, are tuned, one transmitting a regular electrical signal and the other returning the signal in the form of a scalar field.

Pure scalar – Pure scalar is the easiest way to treat a cold because nothing special needs to be done. Adjust your Spooky2 Scalar and then sit or lie down between the transmitter and receiver, pure scalar energy will flow between the eyelids and then to your body, you can also place these two boxes next to your bed and do Overnight treatment.

Molecular Scalar – Placing a substance on the input coil can further enhance the scalar signal. Molecules in the sample will change the signal between the lids and you get the efficacy of the chemical, for example you can put a vitamin pill or cold medicine on the input coil and you will get the benefits that the drug provides without any side effects.

Spooky2 Scalar – Spooky2 Scalar boosts scalar energy by using Spook2 (Rife) frequency modulation, which combines the findings of Dr. Royal Rife and Nikola Tesla. Royal Rife finds that pathogens respond to a specific frequency, and Spooky2 Scalar can apply this frequency using healing scalar energy, Spooky2 Scalar can modulate Royal Rife’s original frequency, turning Spooky2 Scalar into the most advanced Rife machine in the world.

Spooky2 Scalar accepts any frequency from the massive Spooky2 database, so you can apply it to all kinds of cold-related programs. 5 easy steps to apply a procedure to a scalar field:

  • Step 1: Load the program into Generator-X.
  • Step 2: Set up the Spooky2 Scalar Device.
  • Step 3: Connect Generator-X to Spooky2 Scalar, adjust Spooky2 Scalar.
  • Step 4: Start the program in Generator-X and cycle the program if you need more treatment time.
  • Step 5: Sit between the transmitter and receiver while the program is running, this will receive the effects of the Spooky2 Scalar scalar field frequency healing.
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