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Spooky2 software version 20220421

The latest Spooky2 20220421 version has many improvements and changes since the last version.

Improvement 1: Improved calculation of genome frequencies, some people have noticed how some DNA frequencies work, while others seem to have no results, have identified the cause of this phenomenon and improved the frequencies A deduced method explaining a new procedure for calculating DNA, RNA, and mRNA frequencies. This release of Spooky2 includes new factors, adding RNA and mRNA factors to the frequency table, a database of genome sizes and types:

  • Bxx is the number of base pairs in the genome.
  • BCx x is the number of base pairs in the circulating genome.
  • BLx x is the number of base pairs in the linear genome.
  • R defines an RNA entry. Example: BLR29900, BCR200
  • m defines an mRNA entry. Example: BLm29900, BCm3560

Improvement 2: Large databases take a long time to load. The Spooky2 program loading code has been optimized to ensure that even very large databases load quickly, and MicroGen software has this accelerated improvement.

Improvement 3: Support Generator-X Pro, the frequency resolution of the old version of Generator-X is 5 decimal places, up to 40 kHz, and the frequency resolution above 40 kHz is 2 decimal places. Generator-X Pro has a frequency resolution of 8 decimal places over the entire frequency range.

Modification 4: Sine and square waves for destruction, these waveforms have a reverse spike every 16 wave cycles, when the target reaches maximum resonance energy, it hits a “hit brick wall” , causing the greatest stress on the genome or target pathogen.

Improvement 5: Spooky2 software is complicated to use, we have introduced a normal mode with simplified functions for new users, by default, Spooky2 will start in normal mode, and the top menu switches between normal mode and advanced mode.

Improvement 6: Correct the beat frequency error of Slave Generator.

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