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Spooky2 Youtube Frequency Healing for Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s neuroma (Costochondritis) is a benign but painful tumoral disease that affects the soles of the feet, which occurs when the tissue around the nerves that cause the toes thickens from irritation or compression. This condition is most common in middle-aged people, especially middle-aged women. Morton’s neuroma is treatable, but if left untreated, it can cause permanent nerve damage. Treatment depends on the severity of your symptoms, and your doctor may recommend starting with a conservative approach; if your pain persists, you will be recommended for surgery.

Welcome to the youtube frequency video below which will help relieve tingling, numbness or burning in your toes, it is recommended to listen to it at least 2-3 times a day, keep the moderate volume at a comfortable level to prevent any hearing damage and make sure you have enough lemons Water or purified water to flush toxins from your body.

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