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MagHealy Water Application for Healthy

After a long festive feasting period, it’s time to bring your health back into balance with water and we want to advocate the MAGic logic of water fasting. Benefits of water fasting include:

  • Weight Loss
  • Body Detox
  • Health Reset
  • Spiritual and Mental Rejuvenation

Here’s a 3-Day Water Fasting regimen for you and your loved ones to try with our MagHealy Water Application.

Stage 1 – How to begin a water fast

The 48 – 36 hours before the fast are important to prepare the body and mind. Beginning to implement a 16 hour fast for the day or two before will give your body time to adjust and cut down the intake of energy intensive food to process. By eating light, whole food meals (fruits and vegetables) and not consuming any processed foods, you will allow your body to better capitalise on the benefits of the fast and make the most of the experience for autophagy and cell renewal.

Stage 2 – Activate your water throughout the day

Use the Fasting Morning/ Noon & Evening program to modify the coherent quantum structure of water to harmonize the Bioenergetic Field during different times of the day. Drink 9 – 13 glasses of water a day. If you get strong hunger pangs, work through it by drinking 1-2 glasses of water. Then lie down and rest. The craving will usually pass. You can also try distracting yourself by reading or meditating. 

Stage 3 – Break your fast slowly and gradually

By Day 3, break your fast with orange or lemon juice first. Then proceed to add foods to your diet gradually. Eat small amounts about every 2 hours, at first. Proceed in a stepwise process from easily digested foods to foods that are harder to digest. Thereafter, return into your normal lifestyle by following a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in bad fats and refined sugar. Exercise for 30 minutes at least 3 days a week.

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Introduction of Timewaver’s Information Field Technology

The so-called information field was originally part of the Unified Field Theory, formulated in the late 70s by the German physicist Burkhard Heim, a student of Werner Heisenberg, who started a project of many famous physicists, Such as Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking, tasks that have so far ultimately failed. The idea of the TimeWaver Information Field technology originates from quantum physics, where the intimate interplay between mental and material processes can be observed, and depth psychology, especially the concept of the collective unconscious created by the Swiss psychiatrist C. G. Jung. These two approaches are interrelated and combined in the TimeWaver system, which is the perfect way to use TimeWaver to enrich your life and/or start your future work! Information field technology is TimeWaver’s proprietary technology, it is based on the theory that information field is a non-material area of spiritual and material communication, which reflects the spiritual meaning of what we think of as life events, information field technology is based on the theory that familiar information field Man can purposefully apply the nature and function of the information field, it is about retrieving all the information about one’s mind and body stored in the earth and cosmic information fields; positive and negative, pros and cons, normal and abnormal.

The TimeWaver system can be extended with additional modules. These can be quickly and easily integrated into the application folder, allowing users to easily combine their treatment strategies.

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Introduction of Timewaver’s Microcurrent Frequency Technology

Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies (IMF) and Specific Microcurrent Frequencies (FSM) are TimeWaver’s proprietary technologies that use two outputs in parallel to deliver frequency-modulated microcurrents to customers through electrodes. The frequency pairs, duration, frequency, intensity and nomenclature of the programs are based on the practical experience of the experts who created them. They use data from physical noise generators to assign priority to frequencies that professional users experience has shown to be most relevant to the user, using the resonance analysis function, the system analyzes the duration of individual frequencies matched to the client and checks the progress of applied frequencies. At the appropriate point in time, the system automatically switches to the next frequency and applies it until it is no longer needed.

Cell researchers Robert O. Becker, Ph.D., and Bjorn Nordenstrom, Ph.D., past president of the Nobel Assembly, discovered that reduced tension in cell membranes is often associated with a decline in health. According to this model, an acidic cell environment is the main cause, meaning there are too few electrons around the cell, causing the pH to drop. This is where TimeWaver Frequency comes in: Its goal is to harmonize the bioenergetic field of the cell.

The microcurrent frequency application of the TimeWaver frequency system is very innovative. Specific Microcurrent Frequency (FSM) programs are designed to support health through the harmonization of bio-energy fields, a system that determines the frequencies to be applied in real-time and continuously adjusts them to suit the client during application. We attribute this to the harmonization of the bio-energetic field, which we call the life force flow, also traditionally known as chi (or chi) and prana.

Microcurrent frequency application is non-invasive; during the procedure, the client feels only a mild tingling sensation, and during the application, which lasts approximately 20-60 minutes, the client can relax, let the frequency take effect and recover from daily life come over. Through the intelligent functions of TimeWaver technology, the entire workflow can be automated and compiled into a single customer-specific protocol for easy operation.

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Introduction of Timewaver Frequency Healing Device

TimeWaver Frequency is a micro-current frequency application system consisting of hardware and software, controlled by a laptop. It constantly analyzes the frequencies to be applied and transmits them to the customer via various electrodes. It includes numerous programs organized by functional categories, a database of over 50,000 frequencies assigned to various subjects, and a unique approach to system application. In addition, TimeWaver technology analyzes some complex mechanisms in the information field, what you can do to harmonize the unbalanced energy field hidden in the information, the analysis of the information field aims to find information patterns that help the coordination of the information field, for this, by evaluating Data from physical noise generators, assigning priorities to things like descriptive sentences arranged in list form. In the Timewaver user’s experience, this priority reflects relevance to the user, and the analysis in the information field reflects a combination of factors at the time the analysis was completed, including the user’s intent. Due to changes in environmental variables, analysis at different times may will have different results. TimeWaver conducted an unblinded pre/post survey of participants in a controlled and randomized group on the application of these survey participants’ well-being, which we attribute to the coordination of information fields in which life energy, also known as chi ( or qi) and prana, meaning to be brought back into the flow, has not been confirmed by independent research.

TimeWaver is designed to analyze deeper mental connections and background material imbalances and harmonize them in the informational sphere, whether in health and wellbeing, sport, business or coaching, but also takes energy and informational levels into account. Timewaver has a wide range of applications and has developed integrated modules suitable for the needs of different professional groups.

TimeWaver analyzes the different layers of information domains that we believe collectively make up the human being. Not only the relevance to our being exists at the information field, but also at the level of information that is energized and considered. User experience has shown that these tend to be closely interrelated and should ideally work together.