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Testing of Metatron Detection Therapeutic Device

Recently I tested a RUSS’s Metatron detection and healing device, which can track any condition of the body through the change of the nonlinear wave characteristics of the body tissue. The Non Linear System is the most advanced information technology in this century, which can Said to be the most remarkable and beneficial achievement of modern natural science. This diagnostic device is based on the spectral analysis of the vortex magnetic field of any biological object, which is a very unique and advanced technology in the world.

During my test, I took several pictures and a video as below for your reference, because I have no pain or sick, it is difficult to evaluate its treatment effect, but its software has Chinese version, and easy to use, its three-dimensional images are clear, and the report expression is easy to read and understand. The price of this instrument is expensive. Makes sense:

Introducing “Metatron Detection and Healing Device”

The hardware and software system “Metatron” developed by the “INSTITUTE OF PRACTICAL PSYCHOPHYSICS” is able to detect the bioelectrical activity of brain neurons, and with this activity as a background, can selectively amplify the almost undetectable statistical fluctuations signals, then isolate and decode the information they contain. In a way, the “METATRON” system locates the radiation source at its location, then decodes it and displays it on a computer screen, where it generates a virtual model of the organ in a specific color.

The computer model also provides doctors with three-dimensional projections of the internal organs. The colored markings on the pictures make it easier for doctors to identify the site of the pathological process. By comparing the range of colors marked and their arrangement on a computer model of the organ, using their dynamics over time, it is possible to judge the disintegration process of these biological structures and make predictions.

In order to define the pathology of an area, it is necessary to investigate the computer. In addition, it cooperates with the “Golden Dragon” software, which can do universal body, cell to DNA, and display it in a new 3D model in full HD, including: internal organs , bones, muscles, blood, circulatory system, lymphatic system, nervous system, heart, heart chambers, cardiovascular blood vessels, heart conduction system, lungs, teeth, outer ear, chakras, it produces hierarchical analysis of organs on a computer screen until Localization of pathological lesions. It also has the possibility of the following health assessments:

  • body type assessment;
  • Chinese medicinal preparations;
  • herbal and naturopathic preparations;
  • Formulations manufactured by KoDa Pharmaceutical.

Reference Site:

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