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Usage the Frequency Information of water

Water information

Through the interaction of sunlight and water, it takes about 300 to 4 billion years for the development of life on the earth. Water is the earliest ancestor of all life on earth, which is why it is often said that water carries the memory created by the earth. Information can be transmitted to water. For the same water, if you make a sentence of ugliness or beauty, it will show different geometric structures of crystals, as shown in the following figure of beautiful and ugly crystals:

The importance of water to the human body

Human beings start life from a sperm cell with a water content of 98% to 99%. Water is ubiquitous in our body, starting with organ systems such as the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system and respiratory system. The water content of children is only about 70%, and the water content of adults is about 65%. Among the elderly, this proportion has dropped to around 60%. Making “pure drinking water” is very important to human health.

Acid-base balance theory

First of all, the “acid-base physique theory” is a scam under modern medical theory. The so-called eating acidic or alkaline foods can lead to acidic or alkaline physique. Acidic physique can lead to many diseases and even induce cancer. There is no scientific basis. “The theory of acid-base physique” fabricated a lie, saying that the human body is divided into acid and alkaline. Acidic physique is prone to cancer. If you want to be healthy, you must keep your body in an alkaline environment. In fact, human physique cannot be simply divided into acidic or alkaline. This is a complex giant system that contains various small environments and body fluids, such as intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid (including blood, tissue fluid, and lymph fluid, etc.). There are secretions of various digestive juices, excretion of sweat, urine, etc. Different body fluids in the human body are indeed acid-base. For example, gastric juice is strongly acidic, urine is weakly acidic, and intestinal juice is alkaline. In any case, a stable acid-base balance is one of the most important requirements for body function and health. Only when different parts of the body, organs and functions maintain a specific acid-base ratio, our metabolism can operate in the best way. Disease-causing bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi need a suitable environment (pH) to grow in our body. One option to test whether we are over-acidified is to measure the pH of urine through test paper or pH testing equipment to maintain the pH. Balance is important to health.


More than 200 years ago, Hahnemann dropped a drop of the powerful drug belladonna into a small bottle of water and shook the mixture vigorously with his hands. Then he took a drop of diluent and added it to a new bottle of water, and he vigorously shook it to mix. A few hours later, the doctor and pharmacist diluted his belladonna tincture many times, and the last small flask contained only water, which did not include a belladonna molecule. Nonetheless, this fluid is an excellent treatment for febrile seizures. Every natural substance contains a kind of “pure power”, which only needs to be awakened. Once the power is “awakened”, the substance itself is no longer needed, as explained, although in the end no single molecule of the original substance remains. However, it still leaves energy traces in the form of frequency spectrum. Every time the dilution process stops, the water will leave higher and higher frequency spectrums. High-efficiency dilution is stronger than low-efficiency dilution. It is a kind of biological resonance. This therapy is It is called homeopathy.

Excitation frequency carrier or energy replication

Use the Rayocomp PS 1000 frequency machine (as shown in the figure below), put the original substance into the protective cup, and enter the transfer frequency; according to the determined treatment frequency, by storing these frequency values ​​in the carrier substance (water, lactose tablets), you can perfect To extend and support the effect of bioresonance therapy, after five minutes (or longer), the spectrum of the original substance will be transferred to water and lactose tablets. Lactose tablets have been proven to be effective for animals, while birds, rabbits and other small rodents can drink energy water in their drinking water containers. A few drops of water are enough to transmit information to the animals. The key efficacy factor here is not managed. The amount of information, but the frequency of information.

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