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Vision of Healy Resonance Medical Device

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Marcus Schmieke

Marcus Schmieke is the founder of TimeWaver. He is the driving force behind the development of the TimeWaver systems and Healy.

Marcus was a concert pianist as a child, became a chess master as a teenager and as a young adult he decided to be a monk in an Indian monastery for several years. He studied philosophy and physics; a chance meeting with German physicist Burkhard Heim led to a long and mutually beneficial cooperation.

The highlight of Marcus’ work so far is the TimeWaver technology that unites natural science and philosophy, based on Burkhard Heim’s Information Field theory.

Burkhard Heim

Burkhard Heim is the only physicist to the present day to have achieved the goal of discovering a ‘world formula’ in his Information Field theory. He was driven by his lifelong strong interest in spirituality and holistic science.

For many years, it was Marcus’ wish that you and everyone else should have easy and affordable access to the possibilities of TimeWaver technology.

The technical means to achieve his goal have only very recently become available.

Tattva Viveka and Dev Sanskriti University

Marcus is one of the founders of Tattva Viveka magazine, a platform for the exchange of science, philosophy and spirituality.

Existential Consciousness Research Institute

Marcus is the founder of the Institute for Existential Consciousness Research Institute (ECR) in Berlin, an institute for applied consciousness research.

At the ECR Marcus and several international physicists research the interaction between matter and consciousness at a high scientific level.


Healy and other TimeWaver products and technology are regularly featured at key symposia and events with a focus on new fields of science and complementary medicine.

In addition to that, we organize the TimeWaver World series of events twice a year.

TimeWaver Winter World at the beginning of the year (e.g., in 2019 at the Radisson Blue Hotel, Berlin).  TimeWaver Summer World around the middle of the year (e.g., in 2019 in the Dolce Hotel, Bad Nauenheim)


More than 2,000 doctors, practitioners and other therapists have used the frequency therapy of the Healy and TimeWaver systems.

Over a hundred Healy and TimeWaver user consultants are active in many countries to make our products even better known and to support its users.

We put particular emphasis on the fact that our company is focused on people and on human and trustful relationships.

Disclaimer: Healy is a medical device for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine as well as for the adjuvant therapy of mental illness such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders. All other applications of Healy are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of evidence in the sense of conventional medicine.

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