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WeLife HGH case study – male sexual dysfunction

Sex: Male
Age: 77 years old

Case content:
Use welifeHGH to solve male sexual dysfunction.
I started using we | ifeHGH products on January 23, 2020. I have been using it for 4 months. I have solved the problem of male sexual dysfunction that has troubled me for many years, so I am heartfelt I am grateful for the recommendation of my teacher, and weli fe company for giving us such a good product. I suffered from prostatitis ten years ago. Due to prostatitis, it caused frequent urination, urgency, endless urination, and nocturnal urination. Then came impotence, premature ejaculation, and difficulty in erectile dysfunction. He opened his teeth to make men lose face. He used many male products, including Thai bragging coffee, and spent a lot of money, but he still failed to solve the problem. In addition, family planning had been ligated, which caused the testicles to shrink. But through the use of HGH, my problem was gradually solved. The prostate is actually better. Urinary urgency and urinary frequency are missing. The night has changed from 2 to 3 to 1 time. Impotence and premature ejaculation are also worshipped, even testes and penis. They all re-developed once. I had Chenbo in the morning, and I was so happy. HGH made the second spring come back. However, I want to tell you that when using the product, in addition to the face and wrist, apply the testis at the same time, because the testis is the main switch to produce sperm and sex.

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