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It is said that it takes 45 days for the skin cells to be completely replaced … I used Welife HGH Body Derm Gel for just 60 days, and it really feels like a skin change! So for the first time, write po thoughts here.
 In the first two weeks, in addition to feeling good when applied, the skin has not improved … Seeing other people’s skin become beautiful, the praise in the group made me even more disappointed.
 On my journey back to Hong Kong by plane, I brought the vial that Mr. Sue prepared for me earlier. Although I applied it only once after getting on the plane, when I got off the plane, I found amazing effects.
 After 30 years old, when I got off the plane and looked in the mirror for the first time, I felt like a person! I was going to get off the plane to put on makeup, but after reading it, I really felt it was unnecessary!
 Now, I am HGH and I will wipe it sooner or later. I ran for nearly a month in different climates in Guangxi, Guizhou, China, and it relied on it!
 I usually go to dry Vegas, and it takes me a week or two for my skin to return to normal after I return. But since using HGH, the weather around the world seems to have nothing to do with my skin!
 Another characteristic of HGH that I have discovered is that after application, it will be better absorbed with any other skin care products! So I must apply HGH first for everything I do now. Before that, a friend sent me two sets of super expensive products-$ 400 USD with 10 small bottles of cream (a bottle can be used once in the morning and evening at most). After using 10 bottles, I really felt that it had no effect. I almost gave away the second set. However, since I saw it was about to expire last week, I opened it for use (of course I applied HGH before using it). The effect is amazing! It ’s not a joke, I woke up in the morning and I was really ten years younger!
 I also thought about it, will HGH, like other products in the past, fail after one use? But I can say with certainty that the more I use this product, the more effective it is, and I like it more and more!