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What is Spooky2 Carrier Sweep?

A carrier is a fixed frequency, if you turn this frequency on and off very quickly, you can create more frequencies, another word for this fast switching is “modulation”. When you modulate the carrier frequency, you create multiple frequencies on either side of the carrier frequency, these frequencies are called “sidebands”, and the modulation can set the distance between the sidebands.

Carrier Sweep applies each frequency only once, but it applies it for at least 3 minutes, with each frequency being tapped thoroughly.

The carrier scan in Spooky2 can be customized by the user, the carrier frequency will receive most of the power, so choose a frequency that is in the center of the frequency range you wish to locate, the modulation frequency sets the distance between the other frequencies, the higher modulation frequency will cover more Wide range, but with increased sweep time, frequency tolerance sets the maximum distance a frequency can deviate and still be valid. When creating a custom carrier scan, pay attention to the scan duration, which is the time it takes to complete the scan, which can often extend to hours if settings are accidentally changed.

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