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Why Alternative Medicine Practices become Popular ?

According to medical records and results of conventional treatment, there are over forty types of common side effects of using it. Some examples of side effects include damage to blood-forming cells and vital organs, loss of appetite, swelling, bruising, and fatigue. However, there are many natural alternative treatments in the market that can increase your general wellbeing without causing side effects. And unlike conventional treatments, you will also have a better understanding of your body, make decisions by yourself, and take a more decisive role in your healing journey. Besides, any would also turn to alternative medicine after they failed to cure themselves using conventional treatments. As a result, natural alternative medicine spreads worldwide these days. 

Based on worldwide testimonials and users’ experience, it is evident that some natural alternative medicines and therapies can boost our immune system and help us to heal. Instead of going through painful surgeries or taking nasty drugs, they provide people with a natural option to help the body to fight diseases. It also allows us to have a positive and hopeful outlook for the future. Nowadays, alternative medicine practices can be divided into five main categories:

  • Alternative medical systems, e.g. herbal medicine.
  • Mind-body practices,
  • Biological treatments.
  • Manipulative methods, e.g. Chiropractic, Acupuncture
  • Energy therapies, e.g. Reiki, frequency therapy.

Frequency therapy, for example using Healy and Spooky2 devices, is an advanced type of technology that synchronizes brain waves to achieve profound states of relaxation, help to restore the healthy vibratory frequencies of the cells in our bodies and heal you on both the mental and physical level to achieve better well-being.

It is a process of resonance. Each part of our bodies has its natural resonance, and frequency vibrational therapy is based on the idea that disease is a result of the unbalanced natural resonances. By finding the accurate frequency of the unbalanced pathogens and bacteria in your body system, Frequency therapy tackles diseases safely and effectively. As stated by many experts, it is the cutting edge of healing treatment. Frequency therapy benefits you by providing relief from pain and discomfort, decreasing negative emotions, improving quality of sleep, treating acute and chronic diseases and letting you control your health again.


Alternative medicine refers to a group of medical practices and products that are not currently categorized as conventional medicine. However, as more alternative medicine and therapies are found to be effective and safe-proven after years of research and development, some have become accepted as a type of mainstream medicine, such as using Healy or Spooky2 devices.

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