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Why Tai Chi can Harmonize our Body Frequency ?

Background of Tai Chi

According to Chinese philosophy, everything in the universe contains elements of Yin and Yang, which must be kept in harmony. Otherwise, internal life energy (Qi) will be out of balance and negatively affect our physical and mental health. Tai Chi can promote the balance of Yin and Yang and facilitate the free flow of Qi within our body. It is a low-impact and slow-motion exercise which puts minimal stress on muscles, so it is suitable to everyone and even is safe for the most health issue. If you are looking for an exercise that combines an effective workout with the emotional benefits of meditation, Tai Chi is the best option for you.

How Can Tai Chi Help You?

1. Cardiovascular Health
Tai Chi is an aerobic exercise that makes your heart beat faster and increases the circulation of oxygen in your blood. What’s more, Tai Chi breathing exercise increases your lung capacity and the flow of oxygen.

2. Balance, Muscle Strength and Flexibility
As you grow older, the ability to perceive the position of your body in space will gradually decrease, and Tai Chi helps to train this perception. When practised regularly, Tai Chi can also improve your muscle strength and flexibility, and reduce the risks of falling.

3. Overall Health
People who practice Tai Chi regularly often report improvements in their overall health. Tai chi can also improve your digestion and immune system, and help you sleep better.

Benefit of Playing Tai Chi under Scalar Field of Spooky2 Device

Playing Tai Chi under Scalar Field of Spooky2 Device will increase your energy level and meditation aspect of Tai Chi will also help alleviate many problems such as stress, depression, anxiety and many more. Scalar energy amplifies the benefits of meditation by improving cellular communication.

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